Notes and Note Values Junior High Music
Measures A staff is the lines on which notes are placed. A staff is made up of 5 lines and 4 spaces. When a staff is divided up into sections, each section is called a measure.
The Whole Note Today we will be looking at three different notes. This is the whole note. It is worth 4 beats.
The Half Note This is a half note. Like its name suggests, it is worth half of the value of a whole note. A half note is worth 2 beats.
The Quarter Note This is a quarter note. Can you guess how many beats a quarter note is worth? A quarter note is worth 1 beat.
Practice Can you make up 4 beats using these notes? Try to find as many ways as possible to make up 4 beats using these three notes. Can you make up six beats using these three notes? Can you make up eight beats using these three notes?
The Eighth Note The next note we will be learning about is the eighth note. An eighth note is worth half of the value of a quarter note – ½ of a beat. The eighth note always has a flag or a “tail”.
Joined Notes It is common to see 2 eighth notes joined together with a beam to make 1 beat. Remember – no matter how many eighth notes are joined together, each one is still worth ½ of a beat.
The Sixteenth Note The next note we will be learning is the sixteenth note. A sixteenth note is worth one quarter the value of a quarter note – ¼ of a beat The sixteenth note has two flags Sixteenth notes can be joined together in groups or two (half a beat) or four (one full beat)
Rest and Rest Values Junior High Music
The Whole Rest This is the whole rest. It is worth 4 beats.
The Half Rest This is a half rest. Like its name suggests, it is worth half of the value of a whole rest. A half note is worth 2 beats.
The Eighth Rest The next rest we will be learning about is the eighth rest. An eighth note is worth half of the value of a quarter note – ½ of a beat. The eighth rest always has a flag or a “tail”.
The Sixteenth Rest The next rest we will be learning is the sixteenth rest. A sixteenth rest is worth one quarter the value of a quarter note – ¼ of a beat The sixteenth rest has two flags