MARCH TO BATTLEFIELD. The Army marches in column. On arrival at the designated battlefield location the Army forms into Chequer board Formation, Horn Battalle, by Divisions. Once halted in this position the drums will silence.
ORDERS The nominated Army Drum Majors for that day will make their way to the Royalist Lord General, Simon Davies, to await their commands.
PREPARATIVE. The Lord General gives the Order to the nominated Drums Majors to beat the PREPARATIVE. The collective Army Drum Corps will respond with the PREPARATIVE.
MAKE READY. The nominated Drum Majors beat, MAKE READY. The collective Royalist Drums Corps respond with the MAKE READY. The Musket Commanders also give the verbal order for the Musketeers to MAKE READY.
MARCH ON. The Lord General will give the nominated Drums Majors the order to MARCH ON. The nominated Drum Majors will then beat 4 beats then begin the Royalist March. The ENTIRE ROYALIST DRUMS will take up the MARCH as the ARMY MARCHES ON.
STAND The Royalist Lord General orders the Drum Majors to beat the STAND. The Drum Majors turn around and immediately beat the STAND.
FIRE! The Musket Divisions will give immediate fire and re-load. As they do this the Pike Divisions will march forward on the command of their Commanders with the Drum Corps playing the Royalist March. The Pike Divisions march 10 paces forward of the Musket Divisions whilst they reload. The Musket Divisions, when loaded, march forward and take up firing position 10 paces in front of the Pike Division and then give fire. They will then club musket and draw swords As soon as the Musket Division has given fire the Pike Division marches forward in line with the Musket Division and together they advacne on the enemy DRUMS and COLOURS retire.
CHARGE! Muskets having fired a volley, the Royalist Army Drums will play the CHARGE. The Army advances as one cohesive body. Drum Majors retire to their individual regiments. The Battle script takes over.
PARLEY! The Nominated Drum Majors will be used for the PARLEY, they will form part of the Parley Party. The same music is used through out. On the return of the Parley Party the Drum Majors retire to their respective Regiments on the orders of the Lord General.