The Periodic Table And Properties of Elements
Periodic Table Periodic table: is an arrangement of the elements in order of their atomic numbers so that elements with similar properties fall in the same column, or group.
Types of Elements Metals Nonmetals Metalloids
Properties of Metals Solid at room temp (dense solids) Shiny Malleable Ductile Conduct heat and electricity
Properties of Non-metals Solids, liquids or gases at room temperature Do not conduct heat or electricity
Properties of Metalloids Solids at room temperature Share characteristics of metals and nonmetals Semi conductors of heat and electricity
Periodic Table Names of groups – S block Group 1 Alkali metals Group 2 Alkaline-earth metal
Periodic Table Names of groups – P block Group 17- Halogens Group 18- Noble gases
Periodic Table Main group elements or representative elements – The S & P block elements “A” groups (1,2 and 13-18) – IA (1), IIA (2), IIIA (13), IVA (14), VA (15), VIA (16), VIIA (17), VIIIA (18) “B” groups (3-12)
Periodic Table The d block elements – Transition elements Can switch charges
Periodic Table The f block elements – Rare earth elements Lanthanides Actinides