Plagiarism Why it is Ethically WRONG!! ** all information is taken, with permission,from the website **
What is Plagiarism? According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use (another's production) without crediting the source to commit literary theft to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud!! It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.
Why Should You NOT Plagiarize? It doesn't show YOUR understanding of the assigned topic (any subject area!!) You don't develop your own style and voice You don't correctly learn the research and writing process There is no unique perspective on the topic It is cheating, stealing and lying! There are severe consequences!
What are the consequences for plagiarizing? FIRST OFFENSE: receive ZERO on your assignment get a phone call home comment on file of offense SECOND OFFENSE: free meeting with Mr. Findlay or Mr. Cadden receive ZERO on your assignment and possible fail of semester a phone call home followed by parent meeting suspension on file until grade 12 that you plagiarized
Why do students plagiarize? deadlines come around more quickly than expected assignments feel overwhelming the boundaries of plagiarism and research get confused the feeling that someone has already nicely said what the student wanted to express for the thrill of deception unintentional plagiarism pressure of getting an A “everyone else is doing it” - feeling they must do the same to keep up with their peers Plagiarism doesn't show your skills in research nor writing... Grades don't matter if you don't have the skills to show for them!!
How do students plagiarize? All of the following are considered plagiarism: - turning in someone else's work as your own - re-using an assignment for a different class - copying words or ideas from someone else - changing words but copying the sentence structure - copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work
What are the types of plagiarism? "The Ghost Writer" The writer turns in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own. "The Photocopy" The writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source, without alteration. The “cut” and “paste” syndrome. "The Denny's Sampler" The writer tries to disguise plagiarism by copying from several different sources, tweaking the sentences to make them fit together while retaining most of the original phrasing. "The Remix" Although the writer has retained the essential content of the source, he or she has altered the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases. "The Labour of Laziness" The writer takes the time to paraphrase most of the paper from other sources and make it all fit together, instead of spending the same effort on original work. "The Self-Stealer" The writer "borrows" generously from his or her previous work, violating policies concerning the expectation of originality adopted by most schools.
How Do You Avoid Plagiarism? Don't procrastinate!! Don't leave your work to the last minute Ask for help if you are feeling confused or overwhelmed Take effective notes – summarize what you read into your own words Numerous studies indicate student plagiarism is frequently the result of last-minute desperation, often precipitated by procrastination or simple laziness