What type of complaints are these?
Have you ever made a complaint? Perhaps in a restaurant/ to a company/ a shop/ when travelling/etc… Why did you complain? Did the complaint get resolved?
Read the 4 Texts Theses are the main bodies of a letter What is the complaint about?
Find the language in the text that is used to Say something is not good enough To say there is only two choices To say something doesn’t work To say you told someone To say nothing can/ could be done Ask for compensation*
Find the language in the text that is used to Say something is not good enough – isn’t up to standard To say there is only two choices – ‘take it or leave it’ To say something doesn’t work – ‘out of order*’ To say you told someone – ‘I reported it to’ To say nothing can/ could be done – ‘beyond their control’ Ask for compensation* – I think we should be compensated/ what can you do for me/ can you help?
When writing a letter of complaint 1.introduce yourself 2.explain the situation 3.why you are unhappy 4.ask or state what compensation you would like
Dear Mr Smith Thank you for your letter dated 25 th August Having reviewed your details I would like to apologize for the service you feel you experienced. Looking at your case I can see that you did not receive your requested car for the time in question. Unfortunately there was a large conference in town that weekend and a computer error caused us to overbook cars in that range. You should have also been offered a free upgrade to the larger range of cars. I would like to say sorry for the extra $240 you were forced to pay and have requested a full refund of the extra monies you spent. I can assure you disciplinary action has been taken to ensure these errors are not repeated. As a gesture of good will I have also arranged for you to have a free 2 day rental of one of our luxury cars at any of our worldwide branches. I hope this will compensate you appropriately and that you continue to use Worden Car Rentals in the future. Kind Regards Simon Worden Owner