Colours in abundance and bundles - the sale of Chinese silk textiles at the auctions of the Scandinavian East India Companies Hanna Hodacs
Europe's Asian Centuries Trading Eurasia Global History and Culture Centre Department of History - University of Warwick Asian Export Ware and Industrial Revolution Asian Goods in the Political Economy of Europe Asian Goods and European Consumer Cultures Asian Goods: Making and Distributing Asian Goods and the Transmission of Knowledge Bringing global perspectives and interdisciplinary methods to bear on histories of industrialization, consumer society and material culture Investigating the long distance trade between Asia and Europe in material goods and culture that transformed the early modern world. Professor Maxine Berg Project Director Dr Hanna Hodacs Research Fellow Dr Chris Nierstrasz Research Fellow Dr Felicia Gottman Research Fellow Dr Helen Clifford Museum Consultant Ms Meike Fellinger PhD Student Mrs Anna Boneham Project Administrator
Why focus on colour on silk material? Colour and philosophy, natural history, manufacturing, and consumption Colour, trends and change over time
Dansk Østindisk Kompagni Dansk Østindisk Kompagni Asiatisk Kompagni (1 st charter) Asiatisk Kompagni (2 nd charter) : 11 ships : 7 ships : 0 ships 45 ships (?) 98 ships 61 AK ships to China 63 AK ships to India 121 Private ships India (85 “true return expeditions”, 31 “direct expeditions”, 5 Royal East India Packet Service) 48 ships from Java 49 ships from Mauritius 4 ships from Manilla/1 from Penang The Danish East India Company The Swedish East India Company First Charter Second Charter Third Charter Fourth Charter ships to India 19 ships to China 3 ships to India (Surat) 20 ships to China 39 ships to China33 ships to China
See Hand out page 1 and 2
French influence on the nomenclature Poneceau Couleur de Rose Couleur de Chair Paille Blomerant from French Bleu mourant Turqvin blue probably from Turquin marble Mazarin blue, dark blue, named “in honour of “ Cardinal Mazarin, Richelieu’s predecessor
Colours of Silk fabric listed in sales catalogue Gothenburg 1748
Colours 31 pieces of Damask Poisies in 16 colours (30 lots) 37 pieces/ 6 colours (1 lot) Carmoise4 Jonguil323 Ponceau2 Brun/Brown1 Pärlfärg/Perl coloured1 Himmelsblå/Sky blue4 Askfärg/Ash coloured22 Skarlet/Scarlet colour23 Turquinblått/Blue Turguin1 Blyfärg/Lead coloured12 Grön/Green23 Mazarine blå/Blue2 Hwita/White2 Citronfärg/Lemon Yellow1 Coul. De Rose/Pink14 Swart/Black2 Price (average) per piece
% Change over time (page 3 and 4 of hand out) of Black and Crimson coloured silk on sale at Swedish East India Company’s Auctions 1733 to 1751
Johan Peter Westring, Svenska lafvarnas färghistoria, (The Colour history of Swedish Lichen) 1805
9857 Pieces of Silk textiles Types 4996 Damask pieces “Meuble” or “Poise” 3250 Taffeta pieces 4, 6, or 8 threads 1040 Paduasoy pieces Standard lengths: m m m Width (when specified) 1.25 m