What are some games and sports from China? China’s games are hopscotch, chess jump rope,Ping-Pong marbles, and cats cradle. China’s sports are volleyball,4square basketball, soccer badminton, and football.
Does china have celebrations like we do? Red dragon dancers dance on new year. They dance in bright red. The red brings good luck to the new year.
Does china have celebrations like we do? (continued) New year is China’s most celebrated celebration. New year latest 24 days. On new year they all turn there lights on and they light fire works.
What type of clothing does china have? China’s clothing captors blue red and green. Blue and green means spring. Red means happiness and good luck to all of china.
What is traditional art fro China ? Chinas art captors symbols of nature on fabric. China likes to make paper mashie dragons. There scepters and pottery are mostly blue and white.
What are traditional foods from China? Chinas people eat lots of meat they eat octopus legs, cat, dog, cow, chicken, lamed, fish,, pig crickets, clam, burgers,shrimp and more. In almost every meal one of the food is in the appetizer it is rice black beans pasta stew susi The china people eat healthy to like peach apple orange spiked melon coconut sunflower seeds and some more
What are traditional language from China? China has a wealth of language there are ten to fifteen languages Every all learns a language called mandarian (man dar ian)
What are traditional songs and instruments of China? Our first interment is the Erthra it has 2 strings and it is played with a bow a lute is the next interment it has 4 strings and plucked the guzheng is our biggest interment it has 18 to 21 strings it much like a hap except played with a bow china most played interment is called the flute you’ve probly herd about it Guzheng Erthra
Sources Title how china lives Author Ferroa chan yong pages Year published 2013 Title Chinas culture Author Eileen Giffre Cotton pages