P ERFORMANCE T ASK Marley Henderson
L AWS & RULES The number one rule of this society is not to bully. We want everyone to be happy and we don’t want anyone to feel like they do not belong in this society. Everyone is welcome in my society as long as you follow a few laws & rules such as:
Be a good friend to all. Do not bully, say mean or hurt full things to others or do anything to intentionally hurt any person. Do not litter. We DO NOT accept any form of animal abuse or neglect, so please give your pets love attention if you have any! Do not drink and drive, or drive under the influence of anything. Respect the road usage for you and the people around you. All children must get an education from kinder garden to grade 12. And you must complete your grade 12.
C ULTURE & B ELIEFS My society believes that everyone should be respectful and get respect back. We also believe that everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want. That is why we have a number of ways to express your beliefs for every religion and culture. We have churches for a variety of different cultures to meet your needs.
E DUCATION There are a number of schools in this society to meet the needs of students from all over. All students are welcome no matter where they are from. The way the education system works is you must complete up to your grade 12. The schools go from k-8 and then high school goes from We will have a place to learn new skills, and activities.
L ANGUAGE Our main language is English, but there are many different languages spoken in this society and we accept all languages from all around the world.
W ORLDVIEW Everyone has there own worldview but as a society we all share one together as well. We see the world as a place where everyone can get along and no one should be hurt. Everyone should be able to live life however they want and not be judged.