Where this book is from! This book is from Russia.
Main Characters Marusia Baba Yaga -like a witch who eats kids The Hedgehog (Boy name: Dmitri)
Other Characters Mom Dad White Horseman Black Horseman The Rooster Tsar Tsarina
Problem Marusia loses her money for dinner. She gets trapped by Baba Yaga.
Solution Marusia and the hedgehog found the black sunflower. They gave the black sunflower to Baba Yaga. And Baba Yaga gave Marusia turnips for her family to eat and let her return home.
Details!!!!!!!! Baba Yaga’s house has chicken legs. When she wants into the house, it leans down. Her fence is made of bones. Baba Yaga eats bad Russian girls and hedgehogs. She lives in the forest. That’s why you should never go to Baba Yaga’s house.