The collection By jack kai and harry
content s 1 shieldsshields 2 armyarmy 3 digdig 4 mosaicmosaic 5 marchmarch 6 broochbrooch
shield s We designed are own hand made shield. Roman shields were made out of Leather with a metal bit in the middle and some patterns.
army We did some Roman marching [sin dex] [left right]. We did the turtle [testudo]. All of the soldiers put their shields on the top to form a shell. We had a helmet and a shield
Dig We found lots of roman stuff from 2500 years ago. We need to dig it very carefully so it doesn't brake. Some things were real and some was fake.
mosaic Mosaic is lots of patens put together that’s how you make a mosaic. It has lots of colours.
marc h The Roman army had to walk 20 miles a day that is a lot. When the Romans go to battle they march in the turtle.
brooch There is a dog brooch and duck brooch they are very small and made out of metal. These were found in Lincoln. They used them for holding their cloaks up.