W ELCOME TO B IOLOGY Students get the following materials: ISN Glue Daily Assignment *Update Agenda * Turn in Homework
O RGANIZATION OF LIFE Life is organized by levels from atoms to our entire living biome.
A TOMS Atoms are the first organization of life. Atoms from CHNOPS make up 99% of a living organism. Atoms bond together to make biomolecules.
M OLECULES Atoms from CHNOPS start bonding together they become organic molecules. Organic molecules are biomolecules which create life.
ORGANELLES Found in cells and specialize to perform a specific function. Organelles create small factories which perform a specific function.
C ELLS Molecules bind together to make organelles which create a cell. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Phospholipids make up cell membranes. All together this creates a living cell.
T ISSUE Cells with the same job working together as a whole unit are tissues. Ex: skin tissue, nervous tissue, muscle tissue.
O RGANS Organs are multiple tissues working together for the same goal. Ex. Heart, brain, stomach, skeletal, muscles.
O RGAN SYSTEM Organ systems are made up of multiple organs working together to complete an ongoing job. Ex. Respiratory system, digestive system, cardiovascular system.
O RGANISM Multiple organ systems working together to keep a living being alive.
POPULATION A group of organisms of the same species that live in a specific geographical area and reproduce.
C OMMUNITY Many organisms living together in an ecosystem.
ECOSYSTEM A community of organisms and their abiotic (nonliving) environment.
B IOSPHERE Multiple ecosystems filled with living organisms on earth making our living planet.