Private Information Stay Safe Online
Having Fun Online There are lots of websites where you can go to do fun things To participate on many websites, you are asked for PRIVATE INFORMATION
COPPA The United States has a law to protect kids under the age of 13 Called The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) The law applies to websites that have children’s content and asks for private information
COPPA According to the law, the websites for children have to protect PRIVATE INFO It must have a privacy policy The privacy policy must be clearly displayed
Seal of Approval There are two groups that review Children’s websites and give their seals of approval ▫TRUSTe ▫Better Business Bureau
Privacy Statement When you are asked to click a box to “Agree to the Terms” Before you do that – skim for the following: ▫Make sure they won’t share your private information with 3 rd parties ▫Make sure they won’t use your information to try to sell you things
What is Private Information? First and Last Name Address The Name of your School Address Phone Number Password Where your Parents work Photos of you Credit Cards
Personal Info That is Ok to Share Your favorite food Your favorite joke Your first name Your opinion Sports you play (but not team names)
Use the Rule! When a website asks for private information, always stop and ask a trusted adult if it is okay to give out that information
Resources “Private and Personal Information (3-5)”. Common Sense Media. 7 Sept Web. lesson/private-and-personal-information lesson/private-and-personal-information-3-5