January 10, Csci 2111: Data and File Structures Instructor: Nathalie Japkowicz Objectives of the Course and Preliminaries
January 10, Objectives of The Course To Provide a Solid Introduction to the Topic of File Structures Design. To Discuss a number of Advanced Data Structure Concepts that are necessary for achieving high efficiency in File Operations. To Develop important programming skills in and Object-Oriented Language such as C++ or Java.
January 10, Pre-Requisites Computer Science III (CSci 2110) Topics in Applied Computer Science (CSci 2131) Knowledge of C++ or Java
January 10, Required TextBook File Structures, An Object-Oriented Approach with C++ by Michael J. Folk, Bill Zoellick and Greg Riccardi Publisher: Addison Wesley
January 10, Course Requirements 4-6 written or programming assignments (20%) A Programming Project that will be implemented incrementally over the Semester (30%) A Mid-Term (20%) A Final Exam (30%)
January 10, Late Policy Late assignments will receive a 10% penalty per day * unless a Doctor's note is provided. * Saturdays and Sundays count as late days as well