Reminders Creative titles are expected (-5 without one) MLA formatting (up to -10 on final grade) Change the font in the header! No (;) in thesis. Be concise. This is really just making it two sentences. Intros (6-8 sentences MINIMUM). All quotes, paraphrases, summaries of others’ ideas must have a parenthetical citation. Parenthetical citations go at the END of the sentence. Every time. (Beard 5). Italicize the titles of books. Outliers: The Story of Success You should have at least 2 direct quotes in each body paragraph. Gladwell needs to be referenced in every paragraph as the primary source.
1 st period thesis statements Transforming the school calendar will lead to a leap in the scholastic accomplishments among students. When contemplating Gladwell’s assertion, it is understandable to argue that altering the current school year calendar and increasing the educational standards for testing and in class assignments will provide a rewarding future that can quite possibly bring America back to its lead in the global economy.
Examining Gladwell’s claim about reconstructing the American education system, it may be difficult to implement this new age schedule, however it will overall result into the betterment of America’s education system by implementing the elimination of summer vacation and rebuilding the education standards.
Gladwell’s education model would change education by providing a consistency in the school year, but it would ultimately create more setbacks for the disadvantaged students it was designed to help. Even though Outliers makes multiple points regarding the achievement of success, it still does not create an outline that an individual could use for their own success.
3 rd period thesis statements After weighing Gladwell’s suggestions, it can be asserted that his proposals will lead to a more effective instructional experience and bring students to an enriching educational system in which their knowledge can be properly utilized and appreciated. Through Gladwell’s claims, it is clear that there is more underlying influences to success than just hard work and a goal of motivation.
Although the American educational system is not entirely broken, Gladwell’s proposals to restructure the use of time and raise the educational standards would prove beneficial to the students and assist the United States of America in retaking her place at the top. Gladwell’s book can be an outline for success as far as how to achieve success and how luck and heritage play a key role, yet there are those few people that truly rise up against all odds, contradicting Gladwell’s version of success.
American children must practice their education, like they practice basketball, in order for America to grow and rise above other nations as the world leader.
Beard’s Sample for Prompt #1 Gladwell’s argument offers a comprehensive look at the ways in which some individuals have achieved success, but it also underscores the unwillingness of most people to fully appreciate the various factors which contribute to their success.
7 th period thesis statements Considering the points Gladwell brings to light, it is necessary to change the current school system for a year-round system. Although it proves clear there are faults in the education system, Gladwell’s proposals for reformation seem like a plausible solution America has been looking for to an extent. However, one cannot use Gladwell’s book as a template for success, but rather it is a description of success stories.
Taking this into account, the need for the implementation of a longer school day, switching to a year round school calendar, and raising academic standards overall is amplified. Considering Gladwell’s claim, it is equitable to argue establishing a year-round school system and raising standards for American students would create a more internationally competitive generation.