Exposition of Genesis 1-11 The Flood Part I Gen 6:1-12
Contact Info for Paul and Emily Bell Skype ID: pbell916
The Overall Structure of Genesis Key Word: tdol.AT, “The generations of...” –the Heavens and the Earth (2:4 – 4:26) –Adam (5:1 – 6:8) –Noah (6:9 – 9:27) –Sons of Noah (10:1 – 11:10) –Shem (11:10-26) –Terah (11:27 – 25:11) –Ishmael (25:12-18) –Isaac (25:19 – 35:29) –Esau (36:1 – 37:1) –Jacob (37:2 – 50:14)
The Sons of God and Daughters of Men (Gen 6:1-4) “When men began to multiply” provides a link back to chapter 5. Several options for the identity of the “sons of God”: –Rulers or magistrates, referred to elsewhere as gods (Exod 22:8-9; Psa 82:1,6); married commoners. –Godly line of Seth; intermarried with line of Cain. –Angels; married human women. Nephilim (“fallen ones”) were offspring of this mixed union, possessing extraordinary size and strength. This interpretation has the best support.
The Sons of God and Daughters of Men (Gen 6:1-4) Man’s days as 120 years also has different interpretations: –Average lifespan of a man from this point forward. –Length of time between this announcement and the destruction of the earth by flood (cf. 1 Pet 3:20).
Punishment Decreed for the Wicked, Grace Extended to Noah Gen 6:5-8 Just as God and assessed earlier works in Gen 1 – 4, here it is stated that He saw (i.e. knew comprehensively) the wickedness of man. –V.5 is a very clear statement on the wickedness of Noah’s generation and the depravity of man in general. Man’s sinfulness begins in his thought life. Knowledge of good and evil led to this low point. Such sinfulness brought sorrow to a holy God...and judgment upon the creation He had made. God promised total destruction (“blot out” or “wipe ”) once His patience ran out. –Since sinfulness was universal, judgment would be also. In contrast to this judgment on sinful man, “Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”
The Toledoth of Noah & the Corruption of the Earth Gen 6:9-12 Noah was: –A righteous man...in contrast to the wickedness of his generation. –Blameless in his time...not sinless, but blameless relative to his contemporaries. –Noah walked with God...just as Enoch before him. Noah’s sons are mentioned in passing here. They will be part of the flood narrative, then their toledoth begins in 10:1.
The Toledoth of Noah & the Corruption of the Earth Gen 6:9-12 In contrast to those previously mentioned, the earth as a whole was completely corrupt in God’s eyes. –Man had been commanded to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth (1:28)...but instead of living in gratitude to God for such blessing they had filled the earth with unrighteousness, i.e. all manner of wrongdoing. Again, God saw this situation and acted appropriately.
The Flood Part II Gen 6:13-22