W HAT ARE THE CAUSES ? Falling birth rates Young people moving off the farms Rural unemployment (in part to mechanization) Lack of conveniences in rural areas Schools too far away Have jobs in city Farming not providing enough income
D EPOPULATION / URBANIZATION Many cities started off as small agricultural trading centres Now, their continuing expansion is consuming this high quality agricultural land Good farm land is limited, and is being lost as urban centres expand Urbanization in Canada is concentrated in a relatively small area: Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe, Montreal, BC’s Lower Mainland and southern Vancouver Island and the Calgary-Edmonton corridor
D EPOPULATION / URBANIZATION Ontario has the highest percentage of urbanization From 1971 – 2001 the rate of urbanization increased dramatically in Canada (96% increase) Entry of “Baby Boomers” into the housing market The popularity of the automobile contributed to the increase of urbanization (the use of cars increased from the early 1900s and became more common. By 2003, there were 18.9 million cars on the road in Canada)
D EPOPULATION / URBANIZATION The increased use of cars, and people living in cities, caused “urban sprawl” Urban sprawl is when cities expand outward (ex: south St. Vital, Waverly West, East/West St. Paul, Headingly) In % of dependable agricultural land was located under urban areas
D EPOPULATION / URBANIZATION Canada’s supply of dependable agricultural land has diminished over time largely due to losses to urban land. As a result, cultivation has been forced onto land with agronomic constraints, which is a less sustainable practice for the long-term.
D EPOPULATION / URBANIZATION This trend of urbanization is expected to continue Ongoing tension between urbanization and agricultural land
W HAT TO DO ? What can we/the Government do to lessen the impact of Urban Sprawl?