Underwater Seascapes English Language Arts and Science Second Grade By: Sabrina Schouten
West Virginia Content Standards and Objectives Science Content Standards and Objectives SC.O Identify that plants and animals have different structures. SC.O2.2.2 Identify the structures of living things including their systems, and explain their functions (e.g., wings for flying, fins for swimming, or roots for support and obtaining water). SC.O Develop respect and responsibility for the environment by engaging in conservation practices (e.g., recycling, trash clean up or power consumption reduction.
West Virginia Content Standards and Objectives Reading /Language Arts Content Standards and Objectives ELA.2.R.C1.1 Ask and answer key ideas such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how, to demonstrate understanding of key details in literary text. ELA.2.R.C1.3 Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges in literary text. ELA.2.R.C2.6 Identify the main purpose of informational text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
Student Objectives Students will be able to name and identify different types of sea creatures. Students will be able to determine how different sea creatures live. Students will be able to apply their own ocean knowledge to the making of their own “Swimmy” book. Students will be able to use technology to learn about the ocean. Students will be able to make an ocean food chain using Kidspiration. Students will be able to recognize the importance of blubber on sea mammals. Students will be able to understand what is in the ocean.
Essential Question What lives in the ocean?
Unit Questions What comes to mind when thinking about the ocean? If you were an ocean sea creature, which one would you most likely be and why? Why are some animals higher or lower on the food chain? How do mammals that live in the artic ocean stay warm?
Content Questions What is a mammal? What are the different things that live in the ocean? How do they vary? What makes ocean animals different from other animals? How do different oceans vary? What ocean animal is the highest on the food chain? What is the purpose of blubber?
Prerequisite Skills Computer Internet Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Kidspiration Previous knowledge of what an ocean is Internet conduct
Day 1 Introduction to the ocean unit Interactive PowerPoint KWL chart using an interactive version on the SmartBoard “Swimmy” by Leo Lionni Showing of pictures of fish, plants, and other sea creatures using Microsoft PowerPoint
Day 2 “Swimmy” review, KWL chart Students create their own “Swimmy” book using Microsoft PowerPoint Internet ABC Search Students may use Oceanlife to learn more about the ocean and animals that live in the oceanOceanlife
Day 3 Introduction to the food chain using the Internetfood chain Students will start creating their Kidspiration diagramsKidspiration diagrams Introduction of blubber using Windows MoviemakerWindows Moviemaker Introduction to Blubber activity Blubber experiment and blubber handouts using the SmartBoardblubber handouts
Day 4 Introduction to the geographic locations of the different oceans, ocean mammals, and different types of coral using Microsoft PowerPoint Introduction to research project: students will construct a visual representation of their creature in class. Questions will be answered at home using the Internet. What is my sea creature? Where does my sea creature live? What does my sea creature eat? Can my sea creature be a pet? Students will use the Internet and Microsoft Word to complete the ocean Treasure HuntTreasure Hunt
Day 5 Completion of KWL chart using an interactive version on the SmartBoard Introduction of class blog Underwater Seascapes using the InternetUnderwater Seascapes Students completion of One-Two-Three an Internet handoutOne-Two-Three Movie: Finding Nemo
Assessment Plan Interactive PowerPoint KWL Treasure Hunt Rubric Kidspiration Blubber Checklist Research Project
Resources Lionni, L. (1973) Swimmy