1 Updates from SWG Summary sent out to management Notable Updates: –Battery status resolved: Expected to remain in good condition beyond –Focused Mode operational. Next run beginning in late November –Implementation of Flare Watchdog very successful for capturing flares All flares larger than M9 imaged to some degree (See next chart) –~$8M investment in the “Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction” (PSTEP) in Japan (Nagoya & Kyoto Universities) FY ; Hinode data essential for this new project. –XRT Level-1 data archive complete as of August 2015 Now the default available data set through the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) Hinode Science – SWG Updates from Hinode 9
2 Hinode Science – Flare Capture Percentage of flares caught by XRT over a year. Red: XRT took some useful science images Orange: XRT caught flare with flare response (FR) Caught all flares > M9 with FR!
3 Heliophysics Viewgraph focused on MSFC instrumentation Sanjiv Tiwari & Sabrina Savage ZP13 *Per request from September MPR Please send comments/suggestions/requests to S. Savage.