Accelerator Challenges Kwang-Je Kim Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Collaboration Meeting October 12, 2009 The Gordon Center of Integrative Science The University.


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Presentation transcript:

Accelerator Challenges Kwang-Je Kim Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Collaboration Meeting October 12, 2009 The Gordon Center of Integrative Science The University of Choicago

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Charges for This Talk Overall challenges in accelerators for future Current synergies / collaboraton among UC, FNAL, and ANL (either two of them, or among three) Potential synergies / collaboration 2

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Accelerator R&D Challenges and Approaches Goal: To produce higher energy & intensity &finer controlled beams with greater efficiency with manageable cost Challenges in –Production—high phase space (6D) density –Manipulation---rearrangement in 6D phase space –Acceleration---high gradient and efficiency –Final focusing for high luminosity collisions or –Production of high-brightness x-rays Approaches –Theory/simulation –Technology development of accelerator components –Test experiments 3

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Possible Lepton Colliders After LHC & Challenges ILC –Industrial demonstration of SCRF performance,.. –Limited energy reach –cost deemed too high CLIC –Two beam acceleration scheme, may reach > 1 TeV with~150 MV/m, but need demonstration Muon collider –Ionization cooling, an unusual accelerator component –Neutrino factory as an intermediate step –MICE experiment just beginning 4

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Advanced Acceleration Schemes for Miniaturizing Multi-TeV Acceleration Wakefield accelerator in dielectric structure –1 GV/m ? –Achieved 100 MV/m at AWA Laser-driven plasma wakefield accelerator –LBNL –10 GeV/m? Beam-driven plasma wakefield accelerator –SLAC-UCLA-USC collaboration –10 GeV/m 5

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Fermilab’s Accelerator R&D Assets Operating experience of World’s highest energy machine & ambition to preserve/enhance status New Muon Lab (NML) –Superconducting RF cryomodule testing Generic accelerator research at NML Project X –Aligned to ILC technology development –Includes an ILC-style 8 GeV proton linac Muon collider/NF R&D/expertise Theory/computation –Simulation tools (CHEF, SYNERGIA, ORBIT*, MARS, OPTIM) Establishment of APC 6

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Current X-Ray Sources and Development Beyond 7 Highly successful 3rd generation LS operating around world Argonne’s APS preeminent x-ray facility, ugrade in near future Future light sources: ultimate storage ring & ERL Future light sources: free electron lasers –Producing coherent x-rays by manipulating electron beams to length scales<1 Å –The era of x-ray FEL has begun with recent LCLS success –Soft x-rays: seeded high-gain harmonic generation –Self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) for ultrafast pulses –XFEL oscillator for ultrahigh coherence and improving on ultrafast SASE

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Argonne’s Accelerator R&D Assets Current and future light sources design Expertise in SCRF processing (ATLAS experience) High-power proton/ion accelerator design AWA for dielectric wakefield acc. development AWA for generic accelerator research Theory/computation –Widely-used simulation codes ELEGANT and TRACK Establishment of AAI Additional resources beyond traditional accelerator field –Surface and interface chemistry/physics –Computer science (MCS) 8

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 U of C Assets Intellectual reservoir of basic scientific knowledge and novel techniques in diverse areas at EFI and JFI Opportunity to interact with students and train accelerator PhDs –Need to overcome the difficulty in attracting graduate students 9

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Past Synergies/Collaboration Argonne participation to Run2 (A-F) –OTR imaging, Tevatron optics modeling, MI vacuum improvement, contribution to electron cooling experiment Muon collider (A-UofC-F) –ICAR collaboration funded by State of Ilinois SCRF (A-F) –Joint SCRF processing facility construction –SMTF (played a role in ILC technology decision) 10

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Current Synergies /Collaborations HINS/Project X (A-F) Accelerator simulation (ComPASS) (A-F) –Argonne’s part mainly with MCS, limited accelerator modeling due to limited funding from NP and BES Generic AARD(A-UofC-F) –Flat beam and EEX experiment at A0, AWA EEX –Joint meetings, exchange of diagnostics idea Atomic layer deposition to improve SCRF performance (A-UofC) Also in closely related area—detector collaboration (A-UofC) 11

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Possible Growth/New Areas of Synergies in the Future (Hopefully more than Argonne Perspective) Computing SCRF for electron acceleration –Crab cavity, CW acceleration Generic accelerator research –NML opportunities and AWA expansion Muon Cooling More on use of expertise in material science/ surface/interface physics –Cathode physics, high-gradient in normal conducting surface,.. Future light sources, especially x-ray FEL oscillator We shall overcome cultural barriers (real and imaginary ) between three institutions! 12

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, 2009 Additional Remarks on X-Ray Free Electron Lasers 13

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, Era of Hard X-Ray FEL has Arrived with LCLS LINAC Coherent Light Source LCLS Project start 1999 SCSS SPring-8 Compact SASE Source 2011 European XFEL Facility 2014 LCLS August, 2008 March, 2009 LCLS, April 2009 I=500 A I=3000A April 10, 2009 User experiment September, 2009

KJK, Argonne-UChicago-Fermilab Coll, Oct. 12, Spectral Brightness/Coherence of Hard X-Ray Sources can be Greatly Improved by Employing Oscillator Configuration using diamond crystals Exciting technology development opportunities in accelerator and x-ray optics technology Possible test using 8 GeV project X linac?