Christel Schneider 1 Access to Virtual and Action Learning live ONline Virtual Pedagogies in Practice ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2010 Letty Pienaar Christel Schneider
2 The ICC - International Certificate Conference e.V. is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) with participatory status at the Council of Europe. ICC sets standards for a transnational network of language learners. ICC International Language Network What is the ICC?
Christel Schneider 3 ICC promotes quality in foreign language learning and teaching by What does ICC do?
Christel Schneider 4 certifying progress and achievement in language acquisition certifying teachers’ competence to teach assuring the quality of courses offered offering guidelines for the evaluation of teaching institutions providing criteria for the evaluation of teaching materials and courses
Christel Schneider 5 ICCmarketplace ICC is a marketplace for ideas, projects, teachers and courses; ICC ICC promotes and encourages research and development in language teaching by working together. What else?
Christel Schneider 6 EUROPEAN PROJECTS ICC is involved in:
Christel Schneider 7 Diverse Europe at Work
Christel Schneider 8 Practice Enterprise for Language Learning & International Communication
Christel Schneider 9 Developing European Language Portfolio for the Deaf and Hearing - Impaired
Christel Schneider 10 ELPBVI: European Language Portfolio for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Christel Schneider 11 LeTS Go Portal Attend the conference ‚ICT for Language Learning' in Florence, Italy, November 2010, organised by PIXEL‚ICT for Language Learning' For more information please check the website:
Christel Schneider 12 ELTACS ELTACS European Language Teachers Assessment and EUROLTA an ICC teacher training accreditation scheme This project is closely linked to EUROLTA an ICC teacher training accreditation scheme