All Roads Lead to Fossil Fuels 1)Heat is released from fuel and boils the water to make steam. 2)The steam turns the turbine. 3)The turbine turns a generator and electricity is produced. 4)The electricity goes to the transformers to produce voltage. These are the steps by which electricity is generated from fossil fuels Electricity powers your house
How does getting our food have to do with fossil fuels ? To feed an average family of four uses up ~ 930 gallons of gasoline a year -- just shy of the 1,070 gallons that same family would use up each year to power their cars
Our renewable energy resources will never run out. And they typically generate far less pollution than fossil fuels. Renewable energy resources include: wind energy water energy, such as wave machines, tidal barrages and hydroelectric power geothermal energy solar energy biomass energy Renewable energy sources
Algae (Chlamy) Biofuel Observations and Results