You will need to create a make up design for a ZOMBIE in the show. You will need to turn in a portfolio which will include: research, draft designs, plan, and photos of final product TASK: SPECIAL EFFECTS MAKE UP
Collect photos Collect information about the body Collect information about the materials CITE YOUR SOURCES!!! STEP ONE: RESEARCH
Make a drawing of your design SAVE ALL YOUR DRAFTS! STEP TWO: DESIGN
Make a step by step plan of how you will make your design. List the exact materials you will be using from the make up kit. Cite your sources! This must be approved in order to do the trial run. STEP THREE: DESIGN PLAN
You must make your design on the actual actor, Saturday October 17. You may need to build wounds beforehand. You must take photos to document your work. We will do the blood and dirt splatter on the actual costumes that day as well. STEP FOUR: TRIAL RUN
Must include these sections: research, design, action plan, documentation of process, final evaluation YOUR FINAL PORTFOLIO
Your design and action plan SECTION 2 – STANDARD II-3
Pictures of your final outcome SECTION 3 – STANDARD II-1
Evaluation of final product SECTION 4 – STANDARD I-3