Unit 16 insurance. There is an old chinese saying —— “A storm may arise from a clear sky; Something unexpected may happen any time ”. 天有不测风云,人有朝夕祸福。


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 16 insurance

There is an old chinese saying —— “A storm may arise from a clear sky; Something unexpected may happen any time ”. 天有不测风云,人有朝夕祸福。

Chinese insurance company

保险人 ——the insurer The insurance company which enters into an insurance contract with an applicant and is obligated to make indemnity or payments of the insurance benefits. 是指与投保人订立保险合同,并有义务承担赔偿或 给付保险金的保险公司。

被保险人 ——the insured Anyone whose property or person is protected by the insurance contract and who is entitled to claim for compensation. An applicant may be the insured. 被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享 有索求保险金的人,投保人可以为被保险人。

保险费 ——the premium The charge that the applicant pays to the insurer as specified in the insurance contract. 保险费是指投保人按保险合同规定向保险人支付的 费用。

受益人 -- Beneficiary The people to whom insurance proceeds are to be paid in the event of the loss or damage covered in the policy. 发生在保单范围内的损失或毁坏,获得保险收 益的人称之为受益人。

保险单 -- Insurance policy The printed document issued to the policyholder by the company stating the terms of insurance contract. 由保险公司向投保人签发的规定保险合同条款的印 刷文件。

保险、保险范围 ——Covergae Another word for insurance. Insurer use the term coverage to mean either the currency amount of insurance purchased ( say,$2,000,000 of liability coverage ) or type of loss covered ( say, coverage for theft ). 另一个保险单词。保险公司用这个词的或者可以指 购买保险的金额(例如, 美元责任保险的) 或者指损失的类型(例如,盗窃险)。

保险标的 ——The subject matter The subject matter of the insurance refers either to the property of the insured and related interests associated therewith, or to the life and the body of the insured, which is the object of the insurance. 保险标的不仅指作为保险对象的财产及与此 有关利益或者人的寿命和身体。

保险代理人 ——Insurance agent An individual who sells insurance and who provides ongoing services such as advice and guidance about insurance matter to policy holders. 销售保险并提供持续的服务,例如向保单持有人提 供有关保险咨询和指导的个体。

保险经纪人 ——Insurance broker An independent agent who represents the buyer, rather than the insurance company,and tries to find the buyer the best policy by comparison shopping. 代表买方,而不是保险公司,并试图通过比较来找到 适合买家的最好的保单的一个独立的代理商。

保险金额 ——the insured sum Maximum amount which the insurer undertakes to indemnity or pay under its insurance obligation. 保险金额是指保险人根据义务承担赔偿或者支付保 险的最高限额。

承保人、核保人 ——Underwriter Company receiving premiums and accepting responsibility for fulfilling the policy contract. Also,company employee who decides whether the company should assume a particular risk. 保险公司收到保费并承担履行保单合约责任。此 外,决定保险公司是否应承担特定风险的员工称之 为核保人。

Useful Words and Phrases 1. insurance n. 投保,办理保险 : cover insurance arrange insurance effect insurance provide insurance take out insurance insurance 后介词的用法

insurance 后介词的用法: 1. 表示所保的货物,后接 on/ for e.g. insurance on the 100 tons of wool 2. 表示投保的险别, 后接 against e.g. insurance against all risks 3. 表示保额, 后接 for e.g. insurance for 110 % of the invoice value 4. 表示保险费或费率, 后接 at e.g. insurance at a slightly higher premium/ insurance at the rate of 5 % 5. 表示向某保险公司投保,后接 with e.g. insurance with PICC e.g: 我们已经按照发票金额的 110% 为 100 公吨羊毛投保了一切 险。  We have covered insurance on the 100 metric tons of wool for 110%of the invoice value against all risks.

 translation : 1. 根据你方要求,我们将按发票金额的 110% 投保。 We shall cover insurance for 110% of the invoice value in accordance with your request. 2. 我们将按一般惯例投保水渍险和战争险。 We shall cover WPA and against War Risk according to the usual practice. 3. 我想为我的货物投保。 I'd like to cover insurance on our goods.

Insurance Risk Perils of the sea 海上风险 Risk Extraneous risk 外来风险

Insurance Risk Natural Calamity: perils under force majeure such as vile weather thunder storm, lightening, earthquake, flood, tsunami 海啸 Perils of sea Fortuitous Accident: such as ship stranding 搁浅, striking upon rocks, sinking, collision, fire, explosion, ship missing etc.

Insurance Risk General Extraneous risk: theft, rain, leakage, shortage, breakage, dampness Extraneous risk Special Extraneous risk: war, strikes, failure of delivery, rejection etc.

Chapter 9 Insurance Loss Total Loss: whole lot of the consignment has been lost or damaged or found valueless Loss Partial Loss: loss or damage to the goods is only partial

Insurance Loss General Average: 共同海损 both ship and consignment on board are endangered. The captain intentionally and reasonably does some sacrifices Partial Loss or makes some expense. The losses and expense are to be born by all parties concerned. Particular Average: 单独海损 particular consignment is partially damaged. The damage is to be born only by the party who suffer the losses.

Chapter 9 Insurance Basic Risks Coverage for ocean Transportation Under China Insurance Clause (CIC) 1. Free From Particular Average (FPA): 平安险 / 单独海损不陪 covers: Total loss of the consignment caused by natural calamities Total loss or partial loss caused by fortuitous accidents Partial or total loss consequent on falling of an entire package or packages in to the sea Reasonable expenses the insured makes for the salvage of losses.etc.

Insurance Basic Risks Coverage for ocean Transportation Under China Insurance Clause (CIC) 2. With Particular Average (WPA) 水渍险 / 单独海损也陪 covers: FPA+ partial losses of the goods caused by vile weather, lightening, tsunami, earthquake etc. 3. All Risks covers: WPA+ General Extraneous Risk

Insurance Additional Risks Coverage for ocean Transportation Under China Insurance Clause (CIC) --General additional risks: Theft, Pilferage & Non-Delivery Risks (TPND) Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage Risks Shortage Risk Intermixture & Contamination Risks Leakage Risk Clash & Breakage Risks Taint of Odour Risks Sweating & Heating Risks Hook Damage Risk Rusk Risk Breakage of packing Risk

Insurance Additional Risks Coverage for ocean Transportation Under China Insurance Clause (CIC) -- Special additional risks: War Risk Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions

Insurance VI. I.C.C. Internationally speaking, the Institute Cargo Clauses ICC 协会货物条 款 set forth by the Institute of London Underwriters 伦敦保险协会 is more popular. Insurance coverage under the new version of ICC falls into 6 clauses: 1. ICC (A) 协会货物( A )险条款 2. ICC (B) 协会货物( B )险条款 3. ICC (C) 协会货物( C )险条款 4. Institute War Clauses—Cargo 协会战争险条款 (货物) 5. Institute Strikes Clauses—Cargo 协会罢工险条款(货物) 6. Malicious Damage Clause 恶意损害险条款

Insurance Insurance Documents 1. Insurance Policy Policy No. Name and address of the insurer Subject matter to be insured (mark and No., quantity, description of goods, amount insured Premium Conveyance steamship Sailing date, port Risks to be covered Place where claim can be made Insurance date

Insurance Insurance Documents 2. Insurance certificate simplified insurance policy 3. Open policy 预约保单 Pre-contract, the insurer offers insurance to the insured for the goods he dispatches within a certain period of time. The insured need only to inform the insurer the particulars of each transaction. 4. Franchise 免陪率 it is often claimed by the insure for goods that are breakable or easy to lose weight. The insurer does not cover the loss that does not exceed the franchise.

Insurance Insurance clauses in Sales Contract. Insurance to be effected by the seller for 110% of invoice value against All Risks and War Risk as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of People’s Insurance company of China.