3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module1 Aircraft Maintenance Management Module Reliability and Technical Services Processes
The main purpose of the Emirates Reliability Program is to establish and monitor the maintenance program effectiveness of the fleet of Emirates aircraft and through constant monitoring provide case evidence to trigger investigations in adverse trends and/or validate the effectiveness of the maintenance program during escalation or de-escalation investigations. Technical and Reliability data pertaining to aircraft operations is gathered, analyzed and periodically presented in consolidated Reliability Reports enabling technical decisions to improve aircraft safety & reliability and to reduce maintenance cost. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module2
Reliability program methodology and application Reliability control for Emirates engineering is under the day to day management of the Reliability Department : The Emirates Airline's Reliability Control Program effectiveness is managed by the Reliability Oversight committee. Adverse Reliability trends highlighted during the day to day Pirep, delay reporting process Technical performance reviews and Reliability reports shall be actioned through Reliability e-Workflow System on a continual basis. The Reliability Oversight Committee meeting shall convened by the chairmen when the normal course of monitoring and communication has failed to gain the results required. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module3
Emirates limit the ability to amend the maintenance programs to the Guidelines laid down by EPM para 5 However when an AMS amendment proposal is launched by Reliability due diligence must be given by the reliability engineer to the following items. a) Cost Effective : Additional tasks calling for increase in cost must be substantiated by Reliability and/or safety. Task may include savings for delays, cancellations, excessive system or component damages or improved in- flight entertainment. b) No Task Duplication : A task accomplished by crew should not be repeated as a maintenance task. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module4
c) Safety Tasks: Tasks to prevent or detect failure which may adversely effect aircraft safety. d) Hidden Function Verification : Tasks which verify hidden function which directly effects safety by itself or in conjunction with other failures. e) MSI (Most Significant Item): This consist of components based on safety, high cost, & high failure rate. f) Any new amendments that are less restrictive than the manufacturers requirements must be highlighted within the AMS. Full information will be provided to the GCAA for assessment. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module5
Component reliability data consists of following Unscheduled Removals a) Removal of any Component as result of known or suspected malfunction or defect without regard for substantiation of cause. Data obtained from mainframe Shop Finding a) A report of finding or any action taken during shop overhaul or repair of a component. It may be result of a bench check, tear down inspection, repair or any other data pertinent to wear condition of individual components and engine. Data obtained from mainframe. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module6
Quantity Per Aircraft (QPA) Number of units fitted on one aircraft. Mean time between Unscheduled Removals (MTBUR) Is a performance figure calculated by dividing the total flying hours accrued in the period by the total unscheduled removals in the same period. Calculation: Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Is a performance figure calculated by dividing the total flying hours accrued in the period by number of units confirmed failures in the same period: 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module7
Calculation: 7.4. Landing Per Removal (LPR) Is a performance figure calculated by dividing the total landings accrued in a period by the number of unit failure in the same period. Aircraft Hours X Quantity Per Aircraft MTBUR= No. of Unscheduled Removals 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module8
Engine operational summary Reliability section compiles Engine and APU operational summary relating to Hrs and cycles data along with Associated Delays/ cancellations, incidents and removals. Reliability section does not carryout any gas path analysis or health monitoring and associated performance deterioration or symptoms monitoring. Engine flying hours and cycles Summation of hours/cycles engines respectively for current month, last 12 months and cumulative since start of operation. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module9
Scheduled Engine removals Engine Removals solely as a result of time expiration of engine life limited parts or compliance with Airworthiness Directives (ADs) or Emirates Engineering Orders (EOs), provided that no reported malfunction occurs immediately preceding the Engine Removal. Engine Time Expired Engine due for overhaul or replacement as life of component/part having reached its service life. Convenience Where an engine repair (such as fan replacement) can be accomplished without Engine Removal but Engine Removal takes place because of convenient availability of manpower, materials or aircraft down time. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module10
Engine Removals solely as a result of engine gas path analysis, oil sampling and analysis or any other measurable or observable engine related performance parameter provided that no reported malfunctions or suspected malfunction inferred from the aforementioned analytical procedures. b) Unscheduled Removals Basic & Non Basic Total Engine Removals excluding convenience, Preventive Maintenance and Scheduled Removals. Unconfirmed An Unscheduled Engine Removal for a suspected specific malfunction which is not found or confirmed upon subsequent investigation, even though other malfunctions not previously suspected are found 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module11
12.1. Component control program for Emirates is based on the following three categories. The requirement and salient features are as follows: HARD TIME (H.T.) Hard time components are scheduled for removal and overhaul at specified intervals i.e. TBO (Time Between Overhaul), overhaul will `zero time' the item. Overhaul is applicable and effective only for items which wear, corrode and/or deteriorate as a function of time. Hard time units removed for malfunction may be repaired and returned to service if there is sufficient time left for overhaul, this will be decided by engineering. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module12
TBO may be revised or unit removed form HT category by evaluation of shop findings as to wear and/or deteriorating since new. ON CONDITION On Condition components are removed for repair and/or for overhaul. Whenever they fail a scheduled on condition check, otherwise continue in service. A condition check must give sufficient assurance of satisfactory operational unit OC check. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module13
On condition units may require repair instead of complete overhaul, this is acceptable provided the repair replaces all out of tolerance parts and returns the unit to a condition which will satisfactory pass OC check and decision repair versus overhaul is economic based on cost effectiveness. Specified tests and inspection or check limits (tolerance, indication readings, measurements) will be determined by engineering in co-ordination with maintenance. These will be detailed in maintenance task cards and shop procedures. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module14
Items in good condition and showing little wear are allowed to continue in service till a new sampling plateau is reached. Sampling is based on opportunity basis and that the removed item has operated at least 80% of TBO or interval chosen. Hard time is assigned to these items having direct effect on flight safety and by analysis. Item is subject to deteriorate with age. Units have Hidden Function (effecting airworthiness) which can not be verified while unit is installed on aircraft. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module15
Condition Monitoring Condition Monitoring (CM) components have no individual overhaul control. They operate to failure. The failure must not have direct effect on flight safety. Data collection/evaluation programs must have regularly scheduled verification tests. Components properly categorized as CM will require no overhaul and will only be repaired to correct malfunction and return to service. Those determined by shop finding to have failed due wear and tear deterioration with age will be considered for change to HT or OC. These units can be operated to failure with little or no effect on delay rates, system condition or secondary failures. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module16
Engg Tech Services functions 1. Initiation of modification to improve performance and reliability of aircraft, engine and components. 2. Technical liaison with aircraft and component vendors and overhaul and maintenance agencies. 3. Evaluation of new aircraft, engines and equipment for introduction in Emirates fleet. 4. Produce Engineering Instructions and drawings for all repairs affecting airframe which are not covered by the SRM in liaison with the manufacturer. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module17
ETS functions cont’d 5. Maintain regular contacts and provide technical support to all Engineering sections, Flight Operations and customer service department (In-flight Services and Traffic) in all matters related to aircraft, engines and components including purchase of new equipment. 6. Study, design and generate non-referenced Engg Orders. 7. Evaluate manufacturer/vendor service bulletins/Letters, All Operators Telexes and Airworthiness Directives and produce the appropriate documents such as TDR, EO, SEWC,. Organize Modification Committee meetings in order to evaluate and adopt proposed modification. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module18
ETS functions cont’d 8. Monitor hydraulic and fuel analysis results and initiate maintenance action if required. 9. ECM, soap, borescope, hydraulic, fuel analysis results and initiate maintenance action if required. 10. Monitor high rate components removal and initiate follow-up action to improve system reliability. 11. Coordinate with the manufacturers and equipment vendors for new aircraft being build and their delivery. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module19
ETS functions cont’d 12. Liaise with the Flight Operation section in technical matters, changes and modification to aircraft and procedures. 13. Optimize and revise aircraft and component maintenance requirements based on in service experience, SB incorporation and industry problems. 14. Maintain an engineering involvement in developments within the industry including new advancements and techniques. 3/5/2016 Aircraft Maintenance Module20