By: Jenny McCourtie Fan and Parental Behavior in the Athletic Arena
Presentation Overview: 1. Discuss sportsmanship 2. Review articles/mini discussion 3. Interview questions with Athletic Directors 4. Code of Conduct and Parent Guide 5. Pre-season parent/athlete softball meeting 6. Ways to promote positive sportsmanship 7. Act of good sportsmanship-video clip 8. Conclusion/thoughts/questions
What is Positive Sportsmanship? Webster’s describes sportsmanship as, “fairness, courtesy, being a cheerful loser, etc.” National Sportsmanship Day -First Tuesday in March -Organizer: Institute for International Sports -Athletes, Parents, Coaches, Administrators, etc.
How to Improve Sportsmanship? Know your Role! Athletes: 1. Just play the game! 2. Be a good role model Coaches Roles 1. Hold players accountable 2. Never abuse opponents/officials under any circumstance Administrator Roles 1. Good sportsmanship is expected 2. Zero tolerance for negative sportsmanship Fan Roles 1. Attending a game is a privilege 2. Positively encourage team
Severe Case with Fan Behavior in Athletics: Article: “San Francisco Giants Fan Beaten at Dodger Game May Have Brain Damage.” Stadium Assault Victim's Family Speaks Discussion Questions: 1. What was your first impression when you heard of this incident? 2. How could this tragedy been prevented?
Severe Issues with Behavior in Athletics: Article: “Car fires in chaotic Vancouver after loss” NHL Vancouver Canucks Fans Riot After Losing Stanley Cup Discussion Questions: 1. Initial thoughts on this story? 2. Describe factors that led to this mob scene?
Interview with North Franklin School District Athletic Director: 1. What is your philosophy on the subject of Fan/Parent Control? Fully communicate code of conduct with all parties involved Re-communicate sportsmanship expectations at start of event Communicate with local police authority for a visual presence Position staff at event to maximize control areas 2.Is your philosophy in tune with district policies? Absolutely at all times! Revisits working procedure to ensure compliance 3.What type of additional staff do you employ at large events? CHS vs. OHS- budget constraints Limit area accessible for crowd control
Interview with Othello School District Athletic Director: 1.In your experiences, which situations are the most difficult to deal with? Fans harassing officiating staff Students exchanging unacceptable verbalization 2.What are the best ways you have found to control a rising situation? Show of presence with staff- proximity Address situation proactively instead of reactively
Supervision is Important! Review documents: 1. Event Supervisor responsibilities 2. Example: Football game supervision
Othello School District- Code of Conduct and Parent Guide Main Points: In line with district policies Firm, fair, and consistent Easily understood
Pre-Season Meeting with Parents and Athletes: Connell High School Fast Pitch Positives from Meeting: 1. Open discussion time allowed 2. Expectation were clearly understood 3. Aware of potential consequences for misbehavior Outcome of Season: State 1A Fast Pitch Champs!! In honor of our #1 Fan- A.W.S.
Promoting Positive Sportsmanship: Develop a Sportsmanship Awards Program Hold pre-season meetings and assemblies before contests to encourage students to exhibit proper conduct. Character Education. Display messages on good sportsmanship throughout school hallways and gymnasium/playing field.
Use physical education classes to promote and practice sportsmanship. Promote good sportsmanship before and throughout contests with P.A. announcements. Give certificates to individuals or groups of individuals that display sportsmanship at athletic events. Meet with coaching staff to discuss positive approach to good sportsmanship.
Character Education at Lutacaga Elementary School: Student Climate Committee Pride Paws- drawing Monthly Assemblies to Promote Character Other: -Jerseys in Physical Education “Character Counts!”
Video clip on CWU Women’s Fast Pitch Team: (YouTube) “Softball Teammates Carry Opponent Around the Base.” CWU- Positive Sportsmanship Final Thought: Sportsmanship is foundation of a successful program. Comments or questions?