Literature quiz
Hello! Do you know everything about Literature? Let’s check!
1. When was Charles Dickens born?. He was born in He was born in 20 century. He was born in 1812.
2. What Pushkin’s works are still poplar today?. Eragorn, The Lord of the Rings. Eugene Onegin, The Captain’s Daughter. The Turkish Gambit, Azazel.
3. Who was written Jane Eyre?. Charlotte Bronte. Roald Dahl. Jacqueline Wilson.
4. Where Leo Tolstoy is liked to spend winters?. Omsk. St. Petersburg. Moscow.
5. Who is Conan Dohl?. British writer. French novelist. British artist.
Who is it? Agatha Christie.
Who is it? Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Who is it? Boris Akunin.
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