Why do social services need memory services? First Memory Service Conference Jenny Owen ADASS President Simon Williams ADASS Lead for dementia
Because…… They contribute to the seven key outcomes we seek for our service users and carers They promote better use of resources They help to make real, for people with dementia and their carers, our aspirations in Putting People First
Improved Health Improved quality of life Making a positive contribution Exercise of choice and control Freedom from Discrimination harassment Economic wellbeing Personal dignity and respect Can decide how to maintain physical and mental health as far as possible Can work out which universal services e.g. leisure can still be used or find new ones Enables people with dementia and carers to have a voice earlier Extends timescale for making choice. Enables person/carer to manage risk and plan in advance Enables reduction in risk of abuse. Promotes equality of access to services Helps user/carer prolong being economically active. Access to benefits system Helps to maintain comfortable environment and Good personal care OUTCOMESCONTRIBUTION OF MEMORY SERVICES
People choose less dependent options: this is typically more cost effective Models of Support Planning Commissioning and Brokerage General Population Support At Home “Low Level” Advice & Support Institutional Care Acute Care Information Crisis Response Transforming Community Equipment Re-ablement/ POPPs Support Related Housing & Assistive Technology TRANSFORMING SOCIAL CARE Use of resources
Earlier/better access To information Better knowledge by agencies of need Reach to “self funders” and their carers
Enables greater and earlier peer support between people with dementia and between carers Enables wider contribution from society through voluntary effort
Earlier access to information Advance person centred planning for what person would prefer Advance financial planning Planning for use of attorney powers More immediate options for adapting lives
Giving information and choice earlier helps prevent use of more dependency- creating services Facilitates access to ordinary activities Earlier access to more specialist preventive services