The ELA FSA assesses the Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS)
KEY SHIFTS in Language Arts The LAFS standards address KEY SHIFTS in English Language Arts: Regular practice with complex texts and their academic language Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from texts, both literary and informational (50/50 balance of fiction vs. non-fiction in grades K-5) Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction NOTE: The Language Arts Florida Standards are an adoption of the Common Core Standards. For the full standards, visit: and click on Parents & Families
How can you help? Continue to support reading and writing at home! Discuss and share ideas about books, news articles, current events and more.. Review the handout “How Parents Can Support the Common Core Reading Standards” for tips on questions to ask and items to discuss as you read with your child. Visit the LAFS Family Resource Site at:
Always Encourage… Reading for leisure: Novels/Library Books Reading Plus iReady MyON Reader
Websites LAFS Family Resources LAFS Activities Reading Rockets for Parents Read Write Think Parent Activities