Welcome to Team Sharks
Find the desk with your Name Tag and sit. Put the Name Tag on. Do not touch anything else on your desk! No Conversations are allowed. Read the Rest of this Power Point.
Goal Students learn the Routines, Procedures, Expectations of the School, Team and Class.
STAR –Attendance Absentee – Letter from parent –Lunch Ticket Back of the Agenda (Plastic sleeve) –Schedule Blue striped - Back of the Agenda ( Plastic sleeve) Pink – home to be corrected if wrong –Bus Numbers? Name, Address & Phone number if unknown Bus number in front of Agenda 1 st Load & 2 nd Load Busses –Brown Envelope Checklist on front Back as soon as possible latest Friday 8/31/2007
AGENDA –AGENDA Page 1 –Fill in with pen! Page 5 – School Calendar & Clock Schedule –6 th Grade Schedule on board (Brown Envelope) Page 6 –Progress Reports 4½ –Homework –Honor Rolls –Grades Report Cards Thursday, September 27, 2007 Wednesday, December 5, 2007 Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Thursday, May 8, 2008 Page 7 –Textbooks –Athletics participation
–Page 8 Attendance and absence Make-Up Work –Page 9 General information –Page 10 Student Grooming and Dress –Page 11 School Safety Lockers –Time at Lockers 90 Seconds –Locker Number in Front of the Agenda Student use of phone (Never answer phone!) Preventing Theft School dances –Page 12 Privilege Cards AGENDA
–Page 14,15, 16, 17, 18, 19 School Code of Conduct –Rule #1 Comply with directions given by Staff –Rule #2 Exhibit Proper Verbal Behavior –Rule #3 Exhibit Proper Physical Behavior –Rule #4 Respect the Property of Others –Rule #5 Do Not Disrupt the Educational Process –Rule #6Avoid Unpermitted or Illegal Items & Activities –School Bus Rules –Page 23/24 Student Hall Pass/Sign-out Sheet –Never leave class without pass –Student Complete and Teacher Initial AGENDA
General If sick (throwing up) Leave the class without notice. Accident – Tell Teacher immediately Fire/Code Red - Immediate referral Homework in Agenda everyday Lunch Detention Newspaper Helpers X2 No Newspapers in Lockers/Recycle bag/Trash Put your name on Newspapers in PEN! Bathroom Monitors X2
Meet your Math Teacher Name:Mr. Vincent Pienaar Nationality:South African Experience: – –23 years of teaching experience in Math. – –4 years in the USA as an Cultural Exchange Teacher, teaching Math at West Lee Middle School. – –1 year in the United Kingdom as Math Teacher. – –6 years as an Administrator in South Africa - Principal of an Elementary School
This happens everyday in Math Class routine · Warm up when you enter the class(5 Minute Check) · Check homework from the previous day · Teaching of the Lesson and writing of Journal · Study Guide (Class work) · Write down Homework · Week by Week Essentials (due on Fridays) if time permits
Your Math Grade consists of… 40% - Tests 30% - Daily Assignments 10% - Class Starter (5 Minute Check) 10% - Week by Week Essentials (Fridays) 10% - Journal (Every Day during Lesson Presentation)
Homework Homework will be on my voic after 4 pm in the afternoon. Call the school and press ext Homework will be on my s.com/ You will also find lesson plans, videos of lesson and assignments on Website. Comments/Notes are permitted on website. s.com/ s.com/ Homework, on whiteboard, should be copied into agenda every day.
Progress Reports Every Thursday (except 2 weeks before/after official Progress Reports/Reports cards are due) the students will receive a Progress Report (Math only) It will be in the student’s agenda. Parents/guardians have to sign it and return it to class on Fridays.
How to hand in assignments? Assignments are to be turned in on a Daily Bases. Usually a student will collect the assignments and put in the appropriate box. Students, individually, can put their assignments in the appropriate box if so desired.
What if I am absent? If Parents/Guardians inform the school of long term absents the Core Teachers will leave the homework at the front office for them to pick up - Remember website – Math Students who are absent should get the assignment from the “Extra Assignment Box” and put the completed work in the appropriate box
What do I need for Math Class? Students must bring their: Agenda, 3-Ring notebook, Pencils, Pens (Red), Whiteboard marker and Eraser to class every day. The 3-ring binder dividers are: Assignments, Assignments,Warm-Up, Week-by-Week Essential.
In General All tests must be signed by parent/guardian and student may correct for half credit. Corrections should always be done on a separate sheet of loose-leaf paper and show all work. Homework is assigned every night and occasionally on weekends Students may do corrections on completed assignments that receive a grade less than 85% for partial credit. Up to three (3) late assignments will be accepted each nine (9) weeks for a maximum grade of 70%. The late assignment is due the next school day. In emergencies when homework cannot be completed, a note from a parent/guardian the day the assignment is due, will allow the student to turn in the assignment one day late for full credit Week by Week Essentials are given on Fridays and are due the following Friday. They are problem solving grade level review questions for the End of Grade Test that are completed only by the students. (Here is your chance for extra credit) Journals are completed every day during a new lesson. (See Journal Guidelines for more information.) Journals can be used to help you with the Warm Up in the beginning of a lesson