Schaef’s House: A Window to the World English I and II
Living in Schaef’s House: Rules Be on time. -I will sign you in if you are tardy. Be Prepared. - Leave notebook in class; always have a pen or pencil. Be Respectful. -No disrespecting your peers; watch your vocabulary. Be Honest. -Cheating and Plagiarism are not tolerated. Be Ready to Learn. -No food, no massage parlor, no scented things.
Consequences in Schaef’s House: 1 st offense: Verbal Warning. You will receive one verbal warning. 2 nd offense: Parent contact and teacher/ student conference. 3 rd offense: Parent/teacher/student conference 4th offense: Parent Contact and Office Referral ** Cheating, Plagiarism, cell phone use, and severe disruptions do not get a warning. Disciplinary action will be taken the first time, every time.
Rewards in Schaef’s House: -Praise from me, your favorite teacher! -Positive notes or s to you. -Positive notes, s, or phone calls to your parents. -An extra hall pass for the quarter. -Other class rewards -The amazing joy of learning in an orderly environment.
Routines in Schaef’s House: - Entering the classroom-Listening to directions -Needing a writing utensil-Preparing for the end of -Being tardyclass -Having a cell phone-Being successful in class -Turning in work -Turning in projects -Turning in papers late -Being absent -Organizing your notebook -Using a hall pass -Getting a progress report -Getting a new seating chart -Participating in class -Getting materials -Earning extra credit -Going somewhere outside class -Having a substitute
Grading and Notebooks: Tests=50% Quizzes =30% Daily=20% English I: English II:Warm-Ups VocabularyWriting Test EOCT1 st Semester Literary Terms2 nd Semester 1 st SemesterAWED 2 nd Semester