Welcome to the Troup Comprehensive High School Media Center
Entrance to Media Center
This is the view of the Media Center when you enter. The first stop when you enter is…
the Circulation Desk. You need to sign in with your name, time you arrived and name of the teacher who sent you. You also need to show the media specialist or the media assistant your hall pass. You will then be directed to the location that you need. If you need to check out a book then you will be directed to …
this line up of shelves. The fiction books are along the outside walls arranged by the author’s last name. The non-fiction books are on the other shelves arranged by Dewey numbers starting with lower numbers on the left. You may check out 2 books at a time for two weeks and you may renew if needed for two weeks. If you have free time and come for just some quiet time, we will…
send you this reading area. We have a selection of magazines and newspapers (at the circulation desk) for your reading enjoyment. You can also watch the birds in the courtyard as they enjoy some birdseed and a birdbath. If you are in need of reference material, then you will be directed to…
this area of the media center. We have many more reference books for your use than this photo shows. If you are coming in with a teacher for some one-on-one or small group instruction, then you will go …
into this conference room near the entrance of the Media Center. In case you are in need of a computer, we ….
have twenty eight computers in the Media Center for student use. They are not available all the time due to teachers bringing entire classes in to work on projects. We have one black and white printer available for student use. We also have a black and white copier and a color copier. We will be happy to make copies for a small fee. From time to time, you may come to the Media Center for…
classes or meetings. This is the area where you will sit. Sometimes there will be a presentation on a pull down screen in front of the picture so the best seating in near the front.
As you leave, the media staff would like to wish you a very good year and hope to see you in the Media Center many times this year.