Electrical Installation II1 Registered Electrical Contractor / Worker (Refer to handouts)
Electrical Installation II2 Purpose of Registration n Due to Electricity Ordinance 1990, all electrical workers and contractors engaged in electrical work on fixed electrical installations must be registered with the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). n The purpose is to ensure electrical safety.
Electrical Installation II3 Registration of Electrical Contractors n A Registered Electrical Contractor must be either: –if the applicant is an individual, he must be a registered electrical worker; or –if the applicant is a partnership, one of the partners must be a registered electrical worker.
Electrical Installation II4 Registration of Electrical Workers n Category of Registration –Grade A –Grade B –Grade C –Grade H –Grade R
Electrical Installation II5 Grade A Electrical Work n Low voltage fixed electrical installation not exceeding 400A, single or three phase.
Electrical Installation II6 Grade B Electrical Work n Low voltage fixed electrical installation not exceeding 2500A, single or three phase
Electrical Installation II7 Grade C Electrical Work n Low voltage fixed electrical installation of any capacity
Electrical Installation II8 Grade R Electrical Work n A neon sign installation not exceeding 400A 1- or 3- phase n A low voltage air conditioning installation not exceeding 400A 1- or 3-phase n A low voltage generating facility installation not exceeding 400A 1- or 3-phase
Electrical Installation II9 Grade H Electrical Work n High voltage electrical installation