HIRAM AWARDS NIGHT for Bro. ALVIN “AL” FOWLER, PM 16 th of May 2009 Photography By: Bro. Ted Sandel
Worshipful Fred Davis & Morel Callueng
Worshipful Brother Charles Cross & Ken Martin
2009 Hiram Award Recipient: Bro. Alvin “Al” Fowler, PM
Presentation of Hiram Award Certificate from the Grand Lodge of California by Worshipful Morel Callueng
Presentation of “Hiram Award” Medal by Worshipful Charles Cross
Presentation of “Hiram Award” lapel pin by Worshipful Freddie Davis.
Our 2009 Hiram Awardee, Bro. Alvin “Al” Fowler, PM
Bro. Al’s beloved spouse who supported him in his Masonic Journey through the years.
WB Ken Martin & George Cronin giving their inspirational speech.
Worshipful Bro. Dana Wyatt’s another long delivery ….. Good to see you back at the lodge my Brother.
Bro. Al w/ the past recipients of Hiram Award.
The Hiram Awardees
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