Mercury Mars Venus Earth Jupiter Saturn UranusNeptune My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos
Mercury First planet from the sun. Is an inner planet. Mercury has a rocky surface. Mercury Sun
Mercury Takes only 88 days to revolve around the sun. Has no moons.
Venus Second planet from the sun. Is an inner planet. Venus has a rocky surface. Hottest planet in the solar system.
Venus No moons. Constantly covered in clouds. Venus rotates backwards. Venus rotates (spins) so slowly that its daylight lasts for 243 days. Venus
Earth Third planet from the sun. Is an inner planet. Earth has a rocky surface. Covered mostly in water.
Earth Has 1 moon Only planet in our solar system that has life. It takes 365 days (1 year) to revolve (orbit) around the sun.
Mars Forth planet from the sun. Is an inner planet. Mars has a rocky surface. Known as “the red planet”.
Mars Has 2 moons. Has the solar system’s largest volcano…Olympus Mons. It takes Mars almost 2 years to revolve (orbit) around the sun.
Jupiter Fifth planet from the sun. The largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is not solid, it is made of frozen gases. Is an outer planet.
Jupiter Has about 50 moons. The large red spot is a storm that has been active for at least 400 years. It takes Jupiter about 12 years to revolve (orbit) around the sun.
Saturn Saturn is the sixth planet. Is an outer planet. It is the second largest planet in our solar system. It is also made of frozen gases.
Saturn Has 33 moons. Saturn is known for its magnificent rings. It takes Saturn about 29 years to revolve (orbit) around the sun.
Uranus Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. Is an outer planet. It is made of frozen gases. Its rings are vertical instead of horizontal.
Uranus Has 27 moons. It rotates on its side. It takes Uranus 84 years to revolve (orbit) around the sun.
Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet. Is an outer planet. Made of frozen gases. Has a big blue spot on it. Has 13 moons
Neptune Also has rings but they are very thin and hard to see. It takes Neptune 165 years to revolve (orbit) around the sun.