Judges 1-5 Do not place yourselves in situations in which you may be tempted by unrighteous influences.
Outline of the Book Living with the Canaanites (Judges 1-2) Living under the Canaanites (Judges 3-16) Living like the Canaanites (Judges 17-21)
Outline of the Book 1. Othniel (3:7-11) 2. Ehud (3:12-30) 3. Shamgar (3:31) 4. Deborah (4-5) 5. Gideon (Chs 6-8) 6. Tola (10:1-2) 7. Jair (10:3-5) 8. Jephthah (10:6-12:7) 9. Ibzan (12:8-10) 10. Elon (12:11-12) 11. Abdon (12:13-15) 12. Samson (Chs 13-16)
“One man who had been a slave to alcohol most of his adult life became convinced … that he must give up the habit and prepare himself for the temple. … With great effort he quit drinking. He moved many miles away from the area where his drinking friends lived and, though his body craved and ached and gnawed for [alcohol], he finally conquered. He was at all his Church meetings, and was paying his tithing. His new friends in the Church seemed to fortify him. He felt good in the new activity, and life was glorious. His wife was beaming, because now the whole family were always together. This is what she had dreamed about all their married life.
“They got their temple recommends and the happy day arrived and they drove to the temple city for this great event. They arrived early and each had some errands to do. As it happened, the husband ran into some old friends. They urged him to go with them to the tavern [where alcohol was served]. No, he would not, he said, he had other important things to do. Well, he could just take a soft drink soda, they urged” (The Miracle of Forgiveness [1969], 170–71). Do you think it would be all right for this man to go to the tavern to have a soft drink? Why or why not?
“With the best of intentions he finally relented and went to the tavern with his old friends. But by the time he was to meet his wife at the temple he was so drunk with alcohol that the family went home in disgrace and sorrow and disappointment” (The Miracle of Forgiveness, 171). • How can this man’s experience help us understand the danger of choosing to linger? • What are some situations in which members of the Church might have to choose whether or not to be in situations with unrighteous influences?
Judges 1-2 Read the chapter heading for Judges 1 Scan Judges 1:21, 27–33 and look for words or phrases that are repeated… Read Judges 2:1–3 and look for the consequences the Israelites would experience. What do you think it means that the false gods in the promised land would be like a snare to the Israelites? Read Judges 2:10–13 - What did the new generation of Israelites do?
“The LORD raised up a deliverer.” 4. Deliverance “The Israelites did evil in the sight of the LORD.” 1.Sin The Sin Cycle Judges 2:14–15 Judges 2:16–17 Judges 2:18 1. Judges 2:19 “The LORD sold them into the hands of their enemies” 2.Judgement “And when the sons of Israel cried out to the LORD…” 3.Repentance Personal story: NO MAS! Bro Fife’s and his friend’s pact.
“1. Let people know you are a committed Latter-day Saint. … Elder Quentin L. Cook: “We cannot avoid the world… How then do we balance the need to positively contribute to the world and to not succumb to the sins of the world? Two principles will make a significant difference. “1. Let people know you are a committed Latter-day Saint. … “2. Be confident about and live your beliefs” (“In the World but Not of the World,” Ensign, Feb. 2006, 54–55).
Chronology of the Judges
The Major Judges Othniel. Caleb's nephew. When Caleb promises the hand of his daughter to him who will conquer the land of Debir, Othniel rises to the challenge, thus becoming Caleb's son-in-law (and the first judge). Eglon, the ‘very fat’ king of Moab, allied himself with the Ammonites and Amalekites to defeat Israel. They served him and paid tribute for 18 years. Ehud, who was left-handed, took some tribute money to Eglon. He asked to speak with him privately, then stabbed him with an 18” sword. Eglon’s body fat closed over the blade of the sword. Ehud escaped and led Israel’s army to defeat the Moabites. Judges 3:20-26
The Major Judges Shamgar, the third judge, saved Israel by killing 600 Philistines with an ox-goad. Deborah, the fourth judge and who was a prophetess, called Barak to lead Israel’s army against Sisera. He agreed to go, but only if she went with him. They routed the Canaanites, but Sisera escapes but is hunted down and killed by Jael (a wife) with a tent stake. Gideon comes from a family of Baal worshippers but God is with him (he feels insignificant and inadequate). He reduces the size of the army from 22,000 to 300. He refuses invitation to be king, but his wicked son, Abimilech accepts. Judges 3:31; 5:6 Judges 4:14-22 Judges 6:12, 7:2-7,19-22
The Major Judges Abimelech one of Gideon’s 70 sons, he killed 68 of his brothers (only Jotham escape). Abimelech is killed when a woman drops a millstone on his head as he fights against the people. Jephthah, a man of valor, was deprived of his inheritance because he was the son of a prostitute. He formed a band of powerful men. When the Philistines and Ammon had oppressed them for 18 years, Israel called on Jephthah to rescue them.
The Major Judges Jephthah consented to fight for Israel if they made him king. Jephthah promised God that if He would give him victory, he would sacrifice the first thing that came out to greet him after the war. When he returned from the victory, the first to greet him was his daughter. He kept his vow! Civil war followed and 42,000 died. SAMSON…we will study tomorrow… Judges 11:30-39
Judges 3:15-26 Judges 3:31; 5:6 Judges 4:14-22 Judges 6:12, 7:2-7,19-22 Choose any 2 Judges and read the passages looking for: 2 Doctrines 2 Principles of Application Judges 11:30-39 Tomorrow’s Lesson
Judges 1-5 Do not place yourselves in situations in which you may be tempted by unrighteous influences.