Rust et al., Figure S1 A B Amino acid sequence comparison and alignment of various bacterial FlgM proteins color- coded according to different physico-chemical properties. Sequence alignments were performed using ClustalW2 (Larkin et al., 2007); the alignment was color-coded and depicted using the software GeneDoc (Nicholas et al., 1997). A) alignment of FlgM of different Campylobacterales species which all possess short N-termini; B) alignment of FlgM of diverse eubacteria.
Rust et al., Figure S2 Amino acid sequence alignment and comparison of H. pylori FliA and FlhA (C-terminal cytoplasmic domain only). Alignment was color-coded according to different physico-chemical properties. The sequence alignment was performed using ClustalW2 (Larkin et al., 2007); the alignment was color-coded and depicted using the software GeneDoc (Nicholas et al., 1997).
pCJ bps BamHI EcoRI flhAc T25 pCJ bps BamHI EcoRI flhAc T25 pCJ bps BamHI EcoRI flgMlong T18 pCJ bps BamHI EcoRI flgMlong T18 A B Rust et al., Figure S3 BACTH plasmid constructs coding for HPFlhA C -T25 (A) and HPFlgM-T18 (B) fusion proteins in plasmids pKNT25 and pUT18, respectively. FlhA C T25 FlgMT18 pCJ1001+pUT18 pKNT25-ZIP+pUT18-ZIP pCJ1001+pCJ1004 pKNT25+pUT18 C) Screening of transformants containing BACTH plasmids in E. coli BTH101 on LB-IPTG-x-Gal plates. pCJ1001+pCJ1004 are transformants expressing both FlhAC-T25 and FlgM-T18 fusion proteins. pCJ1001+pUT18 and pKNT25+pUT18 represent two different negative controls (see also table 3). pKNT25-ZIP+pUT18-ZIP are the positive control transformants expressing two leucin zipper domain fusions (for the latter see Karimova et al., Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. 1998, and BACTH manual). C