Nationalism Triumphs in Europe Italy, Germany & Russia
Crimean War Russia’s desire= war on the Ottoman France and Britain declare war on Russia Austria and Prussia neutral Treaty of Paris Russia destroyed Black Sea- “neutral” First war to be “publicized”
Italian Unification Romantic Republicanism “Carbonari” Problems?
Giuseppe Mazzini “Nationality is the role assigned by God” “young Italy” Failed revolt
Giuseppe Garibaldi Red Shirts 1,000 volunteers Success!! Why?- Cavour, guerilla warfare
Piedmont Congress of Vienna France v. Austria
Camillo Cavour- PM Piedmont Spirit of Machiavelli Secret diplomacy Crimean War Napoleon III Force Italy & Austria into war
Victor Emmanuel II King of United Italy Franco-Prussian War Bismark Problems during rule
Writing Prompt 1/22/16 “The great questions of the day will not be settled with speeches and majority decisions, but by iron and blood.” “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them made.” -Otto von Bismarck
Germany Actually all German speaking nations Ruled by Prussian leaders Historically “germanic tribes” Most of Europe (north)
Otto Von Bismarck Prussian “vice president” Unify the German states Realpolitik Cunning tactics Blood and Iron Speech Industrial & Military Strength
Otto Von Bismarck aka Iron Chancellor Chancellor is a title means “prime minister” or “vice president” V. Catholic Church Faithful rally against state. V. Socialists Original plan fails Industry changes
Franco- Prussian War France v. Prussia Prussian Prince to the Spanish throne. Bismarck’s prediction Ems Telegram
Kaiser William II Problems w Bismarck Social welfare Military 1890s power
Mother Russia Immense natural resources Underdeveloped Siberia Crimean War Most Russians are serfs/slaves. Nobles have no interest in industry. Falls behind Europe Change is necessary
Alexander II Emancipate Serfs Gov. Hierarchy Trial by Jury Military reform Untimely demise
Alexander III Avenge father’s death Radical end “Russification” Restrict civil liberties Pogroms Trans-Siberian Railroad