LIBRARY 2.0 Cleveland State University Library July 10, 2008
WORKSHOP OVERVIEW What is Library 2.0 Statistics and Survey Results Web 2.0 Tools Sample of How the Tools Can Be Used Questions and Discussion
OVERVIEW OF LIBRARY 2.0 Library 2.0 is all about library users—keeping those we have while actively seeking those who do not currently use our services. It’s about embracing those ideas and technologies that can assist libraries in delivering services to these groups, and it’s about participation—involving users in service creation and evaluation. Library 2.0 is an operating model that allows libraries to respond rapidly to market needs. This does not mean that we abandon our current users or our mission. It is a philosophy of rapid change, flexible organizational structures, new Web 2.0 tools and user participation that will put the library in a much stronger position, ready to efficiently and effectively meet the needs of a larger user population. (Michael Casey of Library Crunch)
Business Week, June 11, 2007
LIBRARY 2.0 TOOLS Wikis Blogs RSS Library Elf Library Thing for Libraries Instant Messaging (IM) Social Networking Social Bookmarking Video Sharing Photo Sharing
WIKIs Wiki is a website where users can add, remove, and edit every page using a web browser Easy to set up, and allows people with little tech- savvy to add information. Wikis are the ideal tool for harnessing the collective intelligence. They are used for projects in which collaboration is necessary Searchable Anyone can add or edit content
WIKIs User Services Wiki PBWiki Instruction for Educators
BLOGS Short for web log Most recent first Searchable, but results are not as useful Can be browsed, but it is limited Authored by one or a few
BLOGS Public Blog – General information about the Library, events, etc. Staff Blog Library Crunch Kept-up Academic Librarian
RSS Really Simple Syndication In the world of weblogs syndication means making part of a website available for consumption in a specialized reader or for other sites to use and publish, often for free. Uses for RSS – Stay up-to-date in your field – Allow users to stay up-to-date on library events, news, etc. – Display new additions in the catalog RSS aggregators – Yahoo! – Bloglines – Google Reader
RSS Adding RSS feeds – Newly Acquired Materials Newly Acquired Materials – Public Blog Public Blog
LIBRARY ELF Avoid overdues with alerts Check multiple library cards Track books, DVDs, CDs, videos, etc. Libraries on Library Elf – CSU – CPL – CCPL – CLEVENET Bestseller's list Join for free
LIBRARY THING FOR LIBRARIES What is LibraryThing for Libraries? – Give your patrons exciting new content, including recommendations and tag clouds. – Let your patrons take part, with reviews, ratings and tags. – Enhance your catalog with just a few lines of HTML. Works with any OPAC – Draw on the collective intelligence of your patrons and LibraryThing members. What can I get? – Book recommendations. Show high-quality "recommended" or "similar" books. – Tag browsing. Give your patrons the power and flexibility of searching and browsing your books by tags. – Other editions and translations. Link related editions and translations of the same work. "FRBR"-ize your catalog with a few lines of HTML.
INSTANT MESSAGING (IM) Instant messaging is a form of online communication (usually text) that allows real-time interaction through personal computers and mobile devices.
INSTANT MESSAGING (IM) Trillian Meebo Pidgin Also: AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, Gmail, MySpace IM, Facebook, ICR
INSTANT MESSAGING (IM) In the library survey: 45.4% of respondents said that they used IM 23.1 % would like the library to offer IM
SOCIAL NETWORKING Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users.
SOCIAL NETWORKING MySpace Facebook – Library's Facebook page Library's Facebook page – Kathy's FaceBook page Kathy's FaceBook page Flixter LinkedIn LibraryThing
SOCIAL BOOKMARKING In using social bookmarking system, users save links to web pages that they want to remember and/or share.web pages
GEOTAGGING GoogleMaps allows one create their own custom maps.
VIDEO SHARING YouTube Account Sample of what we can do with YouTube Mediasite Catalog Mediasite Presentation
PHOTO SHARING Flickr Snapfish Photobucket
EDB 601 PAGE Includes the following – Research Databases – RSS feed – Video Sharing – Instant Messaging (IM) – Blog