What Are Percentages? A percentage is a number expressed as a fraction of 100. We use the percent sign % when representing numbers as a percentage Can you think of where you may use or see percentages?
Conversions Fractions, decimals and percentages are different ways of representing the same value. We’ve already practiced converting between fractions and decimals. Can you remember the rules? Fractions to Decimals Divide the numerator by the denominator Decimals to Fractions Place the decimal over the appropriate power of 10 and simplify
Conversions Fractions Percentages Percentages Fractions Multiply the fraction by 100 Simplify and add a % sign You can also try and cross cancel at this stage to make the calculation easier Remove the % sign and place the number over the appropriate power of 10 Simplify
Conversions Decimals Percentages Percentages Decimals Move the decimal point two spaces to the right and add a % sign Move the decimal point two spaces to the left and remove the % sign
Finding Percentages (3 Methods) Find 18% of €60 Fraction MethodDecimal Method1% Method Change the % to a fraction and multiply by the total amount Simplify the fraction Change the % to a decimal and multiply by the total amount The total is generally 100%