The Elderly ‘ Differences in Wealth and Lifestyles ’ Today we will : 1.Learn about the different lifestyles of the elderly population.
Woopies and Glams Well Off Older People/G reying Leisured Affluent Middle-Aged Private pensions, shares, insurance, savings, real estate, left money. Grey Pound? Eat out, take holidays abroad, exercise. Companies target market is pensioners – SAGA holidays, home appliances.
Other side of the Story…. People who struggle in their older years usually didn ’ t make the same decisions as Woopies and Glams. Manual workers, part-time workers, out of work a lot. No savings, rely on the state pension. Council / rented property. Worse health problems, poor diet.
Social Classes Professional – accountant, lawyer, doctor. Intermediate – Manager, nurse, teacher. Skilled non manual – clerical, shop assistant. Skilled manual – trades man. Partly skilled – bar worker, postman. Unskilled – cleaner, KP, labourer.
Social Class Differences… Elderly people who were professionals or in the top social classes are more likely to be educated well and have had a better standard of living. This means they have better health. They eat healthier, a lower percentage smoke and drink and more take part in activities to keep them fit.
Economic Some elderly people rely on State Pensions and Pension Credits. Others have access to: –Occupational pensions –Private pension –Stakeholder pension –Savings
Social Some elderly live alone while others live with partners. Some have better health than others – health Some have planned activities for their retirement.