English Colonization
Jamestown: survival Maryland and Virginia: Politics and Religion New England: – Mass. Bay: Puritains – Plymouth New York or New Amsterdam? England Regains Control.
Jamestown, VA 1606 – London Virginia Company established. 1585, 1587 – Roanoke America was not viewed as a profitable venture. Jamestown was not important.
London Virginia Company Step 1: Locate near the coast. Step 2: Develop relationship with Natives. Step 3: Make profit! Christopher Newport, commander passengers. No known leadership.
Living in Jamestown Efforts made to contact Native Americans. Did not sail with sufficient food. Winter “Starving times”
Virginia Company – Second Charter from James I Five ships, much better supplied. Faster route to N. Am. May 1610 – landed in Virginia.
Tobacco and Land Tobacco grew well in the region. Headright system Women are brought in and skilled craftsmen
Maryland Colony George Calvert, First Lord Baltimore charter for Newfoundland 1623 – Charter for colony near Virginia.
Mary-Land Cecil Calvert, The Second Lord Baltimore Colony to be refuge for Catholics. Colonists were not to be members of Virginia.
“The Maryland designe” Baltimore was proprietor of the colony – colonists set sail. March 1634 – Baltimore and colonists land in Maryland.
Differences? No declaration of faith – Act Concerning Religion 1635 – House of Delegates
Sir William Berkley. Limited government representation. Berkley v. Bacon
Bacon land-owner in “backcoutry” Organized militia.
New England: Plymouth Scrooby separatists. 1608/09 – emigration to Holland. Winter 1617 – receive charter from England.
The Mayflower Sept – Mayflower complete. Christopher Jones as captain. 105 Separatists. Landed outside of their original patent. Mayflower Compact.
Plymouth Colony Three weeks looking for suitable land. Dec. 11 land in Plymouth Bay. Extremely difficult winter.
New England: Massachusetts Bay The New England Company. John Winthrop elected governor. Cambridge Agreement
Massachusetts Bay “Wee must entertaine each other in brotherly Affeccion, wee must be willing to abridge our selves of our [disagreements]... wee must delight in each other, make others Condicions our owne[,] rejoyce together, mourne together... for wee must Consider that wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill the [eyes] of all people are uppon us...” - John Winthrop, 1630
Massachusetts Bay Colony June and July 1630 Court established in October 1630 Restriction on those who could serve in government.
Roger Williams Separatist who broke with English Church Believed land belonged to Native Americans. Founded Providence in 1644.
New York: Not Just the English 1608 – Henry Hudson hired to find northeast route. Disobeyed orders, sailed for NW Passage. Explored areas of modern- day Manhattan
Dutch Colony: New Netherlands 1614 – Dutch government announce est. of colony – Dutch West Indies Company. Successful in its first few years, Agreement between Dutch and English – Purchase of Manhattan.
What about England English Civil War Cromwell takes over Dies Charles II restoration 1660
Dutch Lose Control 1664 – The Duke's Charter Richard Nicolls ordered to take territory. June, 1665 – New York founded.
English Control 1660s – Navigation Acts Lords of Trade More control over scattered colonies.
Sources Building the Bay Colony: Local Economy and Culture in Early Massachusetts, James E. McWilliams English and Catholic: The Lords Baltimore in the Seventeenth Century, John D. Krugler The Island at the Center of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony that Shaped America, Russell Shorto The Jamestown Project, Karen Ordahl Kupperman Massachusetts: A Concise History, Richard D. Brown and Jack Tager