Means “re-birth” Rediscovery what art was, looking back to Greek and Roman culture. Art was a means to explore all facets of life on earth 4 breakthroughs- Oil on stretched canvas, Perspective (vanishing point), use of light and shadow ( chiaroscuro), and pyramid configuration
Leonardo Da Vinci “Renaissance Man” Stressed intellectual and creativity of art- also well known for his sketches of anatomy and “inventions”
Michelangelo “The divine” – known as a prodigy – carving the renown Pieta at only 23.
Sistine Chapel
Raphael Raphael was adored– more for his looks. Very handsome- young when Leonardo and Michelangelo were older. A lady’s man. “Sposalizio”
Jan Van Eyck Known for immaculate, precise, SMALL detail. A part of the Northern Renaissance. Learned from his brothers- all of them were illuminists ( made drawings for manuscripts) “Arnolfini Portrait”
Dürer Durer brought woodcuts into the art world. Before him, were just used for b&w studies, but now Durer used them as his main medium for ART- the first to use printmaking as a medium for art. “Apocalypse”