Precision Measurements of the Top Quark Mass at CDF Un-ki Yang Manchester Christmas Meeting, Dec 20-21, 2006 Un-ki Yang Manchester Christmas Meeting, Dec.


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Presentation transcript:

Precision Measurements of the Top Quark Mass at CDF Un-ki Yang Manchester Christmas Meeting, Dec 20-21, 2006 Un-ki Yang Manchester Christmas Meeting, Dec 20-21, 2006

Great Performance Delivered ~2.0 fb -1 Peak Inst. Lum ~2.5E32 cm -2 s -1 Summer 2005  M top ~ 2.9 GeV Run I  M top ~ 4.3 GeV Spring 2006  M top ~2.3 GeV Summer 2006  M top ~ 2.1 GeV 74% weight by CDF (D0: ~350pb-1) Very Productive Year for CDF Top Mass group under my co-leadership

Template Method in lepton+jet  Samples High-pt central leptons (e,mu), 4 jets and a large missing Et   2 kinematic fitter: fully reco. ttbar system  Samples High-pt central leptons (e,mu), 4 jets and a large missing Et   2 kinematic fitter: fully reco. ttbar system  Reconstruct m t that fits event best over all comb. (m W =80.4 GeV, )  Create “templates” for various input Mtop & bkgds.  Maximum Likelihood fit using signal+bkgd templates W+W+ W-W- t t b-jet jet l

Results in the Lepton+Jet Channel  Mtop and JES : by likelihood fit using shape comparisons of m t & m jj dist.  World best measurement (Spring06) 40% improvement on JES using Wjj  PRD/PRL with 320 pb -1  Toward 2nd publication with 1.5 fb -1 by early next summer

CDF and Tevatron Summary  Many measurements in all the different channels  consistency  Different methods of extraction with different sensitivity  confidence  Combine all channels and all methods  precision  Many measurements in all the different channels  consistency  Different methods of extraction with different sensitivity  confidence  Combine all channels and all methods  precision

Tevatron Mass and Impact hep-ex/ (summer 06) EWK Fit:  Mtop <1%: very realistic “One of the top three remarkable results” quoted by P. Oddone

Grand Plans including other activities  Finish top mass analysis (1.5fb -1 ) with Chicago graduate student and publish it by next summer  Publish Drell-Yann ISR studies  Finish charged Higgs analysis with Rochester graduate student (see tomorrow’s ATLAS talk)  All CDF duties by summer 2007  Many Presentations on the CDF top mass results: Hadron Collider Physics 2006 conference Seminars: Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Seoul National Univ.  Finish top mass analysis (1.5fb -1 ) with Chicago graduate student and publish it by next summer  Publish Drell-Yann ISR studies  Finish charged Higgs analysis with Rochester graduate student (see tomorrow’s ATLAS talk)  All CDF duties by summer 2007  Many Presentations on the CDF top mass results: Hadron Collider Physics 2006 conference Seminars: Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Seoul National Univ.

CDF Paper Author List  Manchester is now in both D0 and CDF!