Body Parts
Objectives By the end of this class, students will be able to : Say some body parts in Arabic. Ask and answer questions about body parts.
Warm Up Guessing Game The teacher will say the names of some body parts in Arabic. Students will try to guess which part I’m talking about. If a student makes a lucky guess, he takes a point.
جِسْمْ gesm
رَأْسْ شعر أذن عين أنف فم وجه
شَعْرْ Sha’er
عَيْنْ Ain
عينان ainan
أَنْفْ فَمْ Anf fam
أُذُنْ Ozon
أذنان Ozonan
وَجْهْ wageh
Activity 1 Ma Haza ? Ma Hazihi? عين Ain فم Fam رأس Ras شعر Sha’ar عينان Ainan أنف Anf
Watch the song b4 What parts of the face was mentioned in the song?
Activity 2 Students work in pairs. One points at one part in their face, the other says it. They change roles. (Take a point for each single right answer, Record your score)
Activity 3 Fool the other around (Point to what I point to but say something else) The teacher will say one body part and points to a different body part, students should point to it and trick the teacher by saying a different body part. Practice in pairs
Sentence time If you want to say I have in Arabic, you say: Ana endi انا عندي If you want to say : I have two eyes. (You say) أنا عندي عينان Ana Endi Ainan
Activity 4 Picture cards game Ask your partner: Maza Endak? (What do you have?) You should look at the picture you have and say : Ana Endi (name of the card in Arabic)
Game Time Go to
Home work 1- Write the words in your homework in columns. 2-Do the homework on quiz let. Go to Google classroom.