Nano Dialogue Case Study 2 nd CIPAST Training Workshop 17 – 21 June 2007 Procida, Italy Simon Joss & Katherine Ng University of Westminster.


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Presentation transcript:

Nano Dialogue Case Study 2 nd CIPAST Training Workshop 17 – 21 June 2007 Procida, Italy Simon Joss & Katherine Ng University of Westminster

I. Context What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology and nanosciences are umbrella terms that encompass science and technologies of the very small scale.

Case study objective To develop a participatory process focussing upon nanotechnologies and nanosciences, within the context of museums and science centres, with the aim of fostering societal debate.

Possible developments and future effects of N&N The areas of N&N are interdisciplinary. May present both benefits & risks - it is unknown how these dual possibilities will develop. - Personal security.v. civil liberties - Increased defence capabilities.v. new threats which are harder to counter - Improved medical methods.v. uncontrollable ‘nanobots’

Benefits.v. Risks of N&N Human genetic enhancement.v. stigmatisation of those without enhancement Stronger economy and more jobs.v. displaced employment from one sector to another New ways to clean up the environment.v. interference with the building blocks of nature

Benefits.v. Risks of N&N Development of new, cheaper materials/devices.v. creation of a ‘nanodivide’ between rich and poor countries

The need for societal debate

II.The Initiative: The NanoDialogue Project –Aims and objectives –Length of the initiative –Coordinators –Partner consortium –Funding

Project aims The core aims of NanoDialogue were: To provide information & raise awareness among the general public on the latest research To implement social dialogue between the research community, civil society & citizens, testing communication tools and participatory methodologies To identify the main issues & preoccupations of these groups

III. Your Task – designing a participatory method/process List of considerations to be incorporated into the design Context: –A) Defining the issue –B) The partner consortium –C) Funding

Con’d Core of design: –D) Designing the method –E) Implementation –F) Knowledge management –G) Communication and dissemination strategy Accompanying elements: –H) Evaluation –I) The impact of the initiative

To keep in mind… The purpose of this exercise is not about arriving at the right or wrong ‘solution’, but giving an explanation as to why you have made certain methodological design choices.