Integration of HKOI and HKDSE training at Pui Ching Middle School CHUNG wai tung :00-12:45 H301 展覽中心
So many changes after 2006 … Changes of NSS … From to parallel class structure No more Secondary Four Placement From HKCEE + HKAL to HKDSE A more demanding SBA project
HKOI vs HKDSE From elite classes to elite groups and elite team, no more CISCO programs Holiday elite classes Sciences, Maths and Computer elites training programs as a backup of the ICT-D (programming) elective
So many missions, how to solve the limited course time problem?
PCOI junior 24 x 7 world wide interactive e-collaborative learning platformAn automatic program judge website (PCOJ) and a 24 x 7 world wide interactive e-collaborative learning platform Everyone can contributeEveryone can contribute : teachers, alumni, parents, students, subject experts, … LogStudy Log for further reference learning logs reflections peer study groupShare your learning logs and reflections with your peer study group members
Start with face-to-face summer programming class
PCOI junior Face-to-faceTraining workshops hosted by student trainersFace-to-faceTraining workshops at the very beginning ~ hosted by student trainers Online judgesOnline judges ~ tasks after tasks Self-checkSelf-check learning evaluation Online contestOnline contest ~ mini competitions e-learningBuilding e-learning group Flip the classroom“Flip the classroom”
24x7 online system
500+ tasks
Work for better time complexity solution
When you have submitted a correct solution, you can check for others answer!
Writing reflections
“Sources of ICT elective students”
Just do it! Selection Iteration
Just do it! All in one Arrays manipulation
Just do it! Sorting String processing
Conclusion Clear Objectives Curriculum and Assessment reform New Teacher-Student-Alumni-Parent relationships IT tools & best practices for Knowledge Management and flip-the-classroom
Useful open resources from the Pui Ching Team Pascal learning web & Program tracing : pascal/ pascal/ Computer discussion forum : um.php?forum=3 um.php?forum=3