Task description : Analysis of users’ standpoints on new Master studies for e-Learning Goal : Getting feedback information from potential students
Education – one of the largest markets Market analysis for introducing “new product” Why and when to perform analysis ? Master studies for e-learning – new product on our market !
Questionnaire about standpoints of potentional users of new MSc studies for e-learning Questionnaire for prospective candidates ( students ) for enrollment in school year 2008/2009 M arket needs analysis – questionnaire for employed candidates
Questionnaire for students
Questionnaire for employees
Evaluation Results
Forms of electronic learning Students mainly used Online tests and courses, and employees used multimedia presentations and tutorials
IT knowledge and skills Internet – major skill for students and employees, but also possessing of all others skills in certain measure
Internet services WWW, Mail, Forum, Chat....
Learning style preferences and rationale of choice Hybrid learning – the most wanted style of learning. Why ?
Effectively gaining knowledge, more effective learning, time saving, new possibilities for communications with professors and colleagues
Motives of students and employees Personal improvement, Prosperity in career...
Expectations of students and employees Raising knowledge on higher level Making carrier in the best direction
Additional results P edagogical -methodical e xp ert – the most attractive workplace for future Masters in e- l earning E - learning advantages – education of professors, better quality of teaching, more concurrent graduates Needs for obtaining new knowledge and skills on the workplace – using UNIX and Linux
Conclusion Getting feedback information – of a great help for curriculum development process Huge interest and possessing of knowledge and skills of students and employees E- learning helps in realization of a large number of jobs More concurrent and more attractive graduates – just what is needed by a large number of employers