alfie and jay
4 key words used Objective- not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing fact Subjective-existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought. Reliable-consistently good in quality or performance able to be trusted. Valid -(of an argument or point) having a sound basis in logic or fact reasonable or cogent.
Researching audiences can do done two in methods Primary research method (information got from the audience face to face) and 2.) secondary research methods (information collected by other or existing sources). Below are some methods of carrying out audience researches. Primary methods: Doing 1 to 1 interviews with people. Asking people to complete a questionnaire. Carrying out a survey. By having a focus group to get information. By telephone. Internet interviews (Skype). Vox pops interviews. Product analysis.
Methods of researching audiences (continued ) Secondary research methods can be done by. Collecting information by reading books etc. By doing archive researches By doing internet researches. researching information in a library.