Types of Grants l Planning l Demonstration l Research l Service l Training
Top Reasons Why Proposals Fail l poor _____________!!! l __________ were not followed l missed deadline l lack of ____________ or errors in __________ l project didn’t match ______________
Grant Proposals (General) 1. Title page 2. Table of Contents 3. **Abstract** 4. Introduction (lit review; statement of problem) 5. Project description 6. Project evaluation plan 7. Itemized budget 8. Future funding needs 9. Appendices
Grant Proposals (N336) 1. Title page 2. Introduction (lit review; statement of problem; HP 2020 objective) 1. Program description (including outcome, behavioral, process objectives) 2. Program evaluation plan 3. Itemized budget
Funding Sources l Federal government: »Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance » l Foundations l Corporations l Ag commodity boards l Etc.
Budget Items l Direct costs: »salaries, fringe benefits »supplies »contractual services (diet analysis, lab tests, data analysis) »equipment »(travel to conferences) »(publication costs) l Indirect costs: »overhead charged by sponsoring institution (support services, rent, utilities…)