Administrative Billing Center FFSolutions Demo with Matt Lewis
(1) Go to and choose Log In from top center of screen (2) Select account type: Employer and type in FF and then click on “FFSolutions 2015”.
Enter user name: password: F1rstFinancial!.
The Administrative Billing Center Green text are customizable, make up your own relevant questions and points of audience interaction / input Black text is Script that should be repeated as close as possible while maintaining a normal discussion/presentation “Let me ask you where do you go for information about your current employee benefit offerings… about invoices ?” 1Well this portal is designed with HR administration in mind. The “at-a-glance” dashboard makes it easy to get to where you want to go. 2This is where you can see all the changes made in FFenroll reflected on current and future bills! Keep in mind that we will be running our old system in the background just to make sure everything works perfectly as we transition you to our new system. 3Remember I mentioned that you could send census files securely to First Financial? This is where you go to do this action. ( point to Send Secure Files Through MoveIt ) 4There is a “User’s Guide” which gives you step by step instructions on how to send files to us (click on MoveIt User’s Guide, scroll down then close )
9different benefits and list them by 10plan and the 11specific amount due for those plans. If you want Employee level detail on any of these benefits you can just click on the 12Benefit (hover over the name of the Benefit on the left). For a full list of employees with a specific 13plan (hover over the Plan in the middle section now). 14If at any time you want to print a pdf or excel version simply click on one of these two blue buttons (click on the back arrow button, top left, now, to take you back to the landing page)
The second tab on the landing page is the 1Adjustments tab. (click here now) This is where you go to make an adjustment to the invoice AFTER it locks at midnight on the 28 th of the month. If you make an adjustment here, then you need to remember to always go back into FFenroll and update the system there. Why? So that your future bills will reflect the change you made in the adjustments section. A change made here is to update a bill, not update FFenroll. This system is updated by FFenroll every night so if it’s not in FFenroll by tonight it won’t be here in this system tomorrow. Data is a one way street. It always begins in FFenroll. If it starts there it will always get where it needs to go. If you make changes in FFenroll, then the necessity to make any adjustments will be greatly reduced, if not eliminated. To make an adjustment, (click on 2adjustments under detail now) 1 2
simply enter the last four of the 1Employee’s social or their ID, enter a 2reason and enter an 3amount…...It’s that simple. Now let’s say you want to make adjustments as you go. You can do that and the system will “save” the changes. Just don’t click on the 4“submit” button until you are done with any adjustments to the bill. Once you submit the adjustments you can’t make any further changes Point Out
Now we are ready to go into the third tab (click on invoice history tab now), 1Invoice History. This is where you can get access to previously closed or reconciled invoices. 2Benefits (click) is the next category on the Dashboard. 3From here you can view a list of your Benefits on the left by scrolling down 4and the different plans within those Benefits shows on the right